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Cuaroc(8829) pic

Should police be allowed to use racial profiling?


Side Score: 3


Side Score: 6
1 point

To an extent. I really do get tired of hearing minorities complain that they are being treated unfairly because of their race though. Blacks that get pulled over or searched by the police, don't get that sort of attention solely because they are black. They get it because they look suspicious. Same goes for islams. They complain about the extra security treatment they receive in airports, but what do they expect? We're at war with radical islamists! It really is a shame that they have to live like this now because of others actions, but it's better to be safe than sorry.

Side: Yes
AREKKUSU(272) Disputed
1 point

We shouldn't see them as 'islams' or 'black', we should see them as 'american'.

The only reason we should ever put forth more effort to 'bug' people is if they aren't here as american's.

Side: No
GuitarGuy(6096) Disputed
1 point

We shouldn't see them as 'islams' or 'black', we should see them as 'american'.

Who ever said that they aren't seen as Americans? If they are from America, they are American. That doesn't mean anything though. There are plenty of home grown terrorists. And like I said earlier, African-americans that get pulled over, searched, etc, don't usually receive that sort of treatment because they are black. They receive it because they looked suspicious or because they were doing something illegal. This goes for any race.

The only reason we should ever put forth more effort to 'bug' people is if they aren't here as american's.

Once again, home-grown terrorists. Just because they are American citizens, does not mean that they aren't possibly involved in terrorist activities. Do you know that Usama Bin Laden's brother lived in Florida until 2001? I think he became a citizen, but I do not know. Anyways, my point is that after September 11th he was closely monitored and might still be, but there is no evidence (that I know of) supporting that he is involved in terrorist activities in anyway other than the fact that he is Bin Laden's brother (1 of 56 by the way). But he should be monitored shouldn't he? He is after all the brother of the man behind the September 11th attacks and he is living on American soil, or at least he was until he returned home to the middle east.

We are at war with the middle east and searching them at the airport a little more thoroughly should not be something we as American's find offensive. It's not like security is putting them on a seperate plane to Guantanamo Bay.

Side: Yes

Yes. I think the police should be able to use any kind of suspicion they please, after all, just because they would be using this doesn't mean that a single person would be convicted of something they didn't do.

It all boils down to this - guilt. People are annoyed at being pulled over, or being searched, but unless they've done something wrong (in which case - the police are completely justified), it's only a minor trespass. If it's the case (I'm not saying it is) that a race has a higher rate of certain crimes than another race, then by all means the police should take this into account.

Side: Yes
2 points

I think that racial profiling should not be allowed. First off it is very racist and accusing people for something they didn't do just because their a jew or because there black.

Side: No
1 point

its just racist. oh hey Nig* let me check you for coke. or hey indian let me check you for bombs.


Side: No
1 point

no i don't think it should be allowed. Ever heard of presumed innocent until proven guilty. there are thousands of people in this country; so searching someone because of the color of their skin, or their name, or the way they dress is stupid. its an insult, and it goes against our civil liberties. never judge anything by the way it looks, you can observe it, but don't jump to conclusions. i'am a muslim and its painful when i go to an airport and i have to stay hours watching my things being thrown away just because they looks suspicious. that is not life, and the fact that people are arguing that it should be permitted is just stupid. at the end of the day this is a tough topic to discuss and i don't think that we will ever come to an exact agreement, truth is everyone has their own argument, and most of these argument are true

Side: No

The police in Arizona got into trouble for using racial profiling against Hispanics.

Side: No