
Debate Info

Foreign Issues US Issues
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 US Issues (4)

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JohnNgo(8) pic

Should the United States Government focus more on Foreign Issues or US Issues?

A simple debate on whether you feel that the United States should focus more on fixing it's internal problems at home while being more isolated from World Issues, or focus on issues such as the Middle East events going on now. Enjoy. 

Foreign Issues

Side Score: 0

US Issues

Side Score: 4
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US issues. We're damned if we get involved abroad and we're damned if we dont, but the former is more expensive and the latter just might fix some of the bullshit here.

Side: US Issues
1 point

I would have to agree with you on this one. If we mess up the home front who cares about everything else!

Side: US Issues
1 point

I think the US should focus on them selves, because it is usual that when the US try to fix issues abroad they mess it up, look at Iraq.

Side: US Issues

Don't take care of the foreign issues until everything has been taken care of here in America.

Side: US Issues