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Debate Score:8
Total Votes:9
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 YES! (5)
 NO! (3)

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Jacobcoolguy(2428) pic

Should the act of condemning homosexuality be considered a form of discriminatio

Should the act of condemning homosexuality be considered a form of discrimination in a free suesiety?


Side Score: 5


Side Score: 3

Discrimination: treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit: racial and religious intolerance and discrimination.

I don't know if this is exactly a "yes", but there are a lot of people who do treat homosexual people badly, simply for their sexual orientation.

Side: YES!
1 point

It is a form of discrimination the same as Racism and Sexism but in a free society with freedom of speech people should be allowed to express their views as long as they bring no harm on others, they just have to expect people who aren't bigoted to practice their right to free speech in response

Side: YES!
Sitara(11075) Disputed
1 point

I disagree with homosexual activity, but I support freedom of belief, so I do not deny gays their rights.

Side: NO!
TheAshman(2298) Disputed
0 points

I dont get it not long ago you were saying about being Bi but now you disagree with Homosexual activity you cant be one without the other or am I missing something?

Side: YES!

I think it would violate The Matthew Shepard Act. No room for hate!

Side: YES!

No! Thats not liberal even, thats just a gay bitch, biching to get her bitcht, bitch self her/his BITCH way.

Side: NO!
TheAshman(2298) Disputed
1 point

Good argument bet it took you hours and a lot of deep thinking to come up with that!!

Side: YES!
1 point

No, it shouldn't be considered discrimination. Condemnation is simply me not liking the practice of homosexuality - that doesn't mean that I discriminate against homosexuals in my everyday life. I don't treat homosexuals as inferiors etc, I just don't agree and don't like what they do. I don't have to like it and I don't have to condone it.

If mere condemnation is considered discrimination, then I can't really condemn any practice with out discriminating someone. When I condemn smoking, do I discriminate against smokers? When I condemn bestiality and necrophilia, do I discriminate beasties and necros?

Side: NO!