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Debate Score:3
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sangriagirl(115) pic

Should the drinking age be lowered in USA/UK/other for weak alcohols?


Side Score: 3


Side Score: 0
1 point

I am generally in favour of lowering the drinking age, and this solution strikes me as being an even more even and level-headed response to alarmists regarding that policy. Thanks for an interesting twist on an old debate.

Side: Yes

I think it should be lowered for all alcohols, just for the fact that in France 18 year olds are alloed to drink, and nothing too bad really happens to them.

Maybe weak alcohols like beer, and wine need to be lowered to 16 since, as with france, kids often drink a little wine at dinner time.

Watered down with a little Pschitt but alcoholic only slightly less.

Side: Yes
Quocalimar(6470) Clarified
1 point


OP can you explain this to me?

Zambia No 18

It was the case for buying at age 18, but no consuming. How does that work?

Side: Yes
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