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Debate Score:66
Total Votes:86
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sayyad99(773) pic

Should the minimum legal drinking age be changed from 21 to 18?

This has been a very controversial topic especially for teenagers. Do you think lowering the legal age of drinking is a good idea or a bad one?


Side Score: 29


Side Score: 37
4 points

yes it should be lowered to 18, if you are old enough to have sex you should be old enough to drink, if you are old enough to fight for your country, you should be old enough to drink. if you are old enough to smoke, you should be old enough to drink, if you are considered an adult, you should be considered old enough to drink. our priorities are all mixed up, 18 years old allows a lot of freedom yet alcohol wouldn't be very extreme compared to those.

Side: Yes!
3 points

Kids are going to drink,no matter their age and if someone of 18 can go die and fight for their country,then why can't they drink?

Side: Yes!
2 points

The United States of America has approximately 4 million 18 year-olds who must enlist in the draft. Among these honorable men and women none are legally allowed to drink. All, though, are given the responsibility of defending our nation. How can we allow any 18 year-old the burden and responsibility of defending our nation, yet we do not give them the right to consume alcohol? Insane. Also, if they go off to war and give there lives in order to protect the union, we should at least be able to give them the right to drink an alcoholic beverage.

Side: Yes!
sayyad99(773) Disputed
1 point

Oh and one more thing, because you vote down somebody that challenges you on your debate and brings up some interesting rights does not mean that that person does not know what he or she is talking about.

Side: No!
sayyad99(773) Disputed
0 points

Soldiers who serve in wars are already depressed and stressed. I know that because my best friend served in the war in Iraq. Do you want to recommend them to use alcohol to make matters worse?

Side: No!
Kokou(7) Disputed
2 points

Your best friends depression cannot be used to reflect all the people in Iraq. The majority are excited to serve for our country and to protect our people (as told to me by my older brothers friend who is currently serving.) Therefore alcohol will not make matters worse rather improve the situation for the majority. Not only that but I said that alcohol should be a privilege among those who may never have a chance to drink it (referencing the military as the optimal example). So are you proposing that we take this privilege away from them? And is that our place to be the ones to steal a luxury from them?

Side: Yes!
1 point

Yes, by the time you leave your parent's house, you are old enough to make that decision on your own. I am in no way saying that 18-year-old's should drink, but that they should decide themselves

Side: Yes!
1 point

As long as DUIs (and other alcohol related offenses) sentencing gets increased for that age group, I do not see the problem with this.

Side: Yes!
3 points

Can you also specify what country you are talking about, otherwise the argument is kind of invalid.

Side: No!
1 point

I am not sure if you were referring to me but if you were, i would say, in every society. As you are aware, not only America but every third world country is also faced with this controversy on the legal drinking age for teenagers. I say this, because i am from a third world country.

Side: No!
3 points

Ah makes more sense now.. I'm in Australia and we are only faced with the fact that they make the legal drinking age to 21 now.

Side: No!
2 points

The minimum drinking age should be lowered to 14 if not 12. The main problem with alcohol is drinking habits, non-safe drinking habits are encouraged by a high age of license due to how alcohol is more likely to be consumed in bulk and away from proper supervision for those underage. Laws prohibiting underage drinking fail to do such, and actually end up causing some of the situations they are meant to avoid. Rather then alcohol being another part of life, used in moderation around family and good friends well supporting the economy by actualizing more of the demand for it. it is given the allure of the forbidden fruit, consumed as fully as possible whenever possible because its seen as a rare item to behold, and often consumed around shady suppliers or swigged from stolen bottles.

Side: No!
Leashed(53) Disputed
3 points

14 or 12... That is a ridiculous statement. Drinking can affect the brain growth, and it goes through it most radical transformation at that age. Oh yeah let's all stuff up the new generations brains and crap.. Smart idea.

If they were able to dink legally at that age it would encourage more to drink. many around that age aren't able to find alcohol really. It would make the situation worse than making it better..

The increase of binge drinking would also increase, it is at where it now because usually a person of that age, if they are able, cannot acquire a high amount of alcohol.

Side: Yes!
casper3912(1581) Disputed
3 points

Only in large quantities may it effect brain development.

Alcohol is in the majority of fridges in America, and most gas stations, retail outlets, etc. Me and my friends never had problems acquiring it when we were younger, only in finding the proper situation to drink it. When that situation came, we had a stash and the rarity of the moment encouraged larger quantities to be consumed. I could point you to statistics of high school students who say they drink often, occasionally etc and you'll see every one of your points empirically shown false. or you could save me the time and google it yourself.

Side: No!
sayyad99(773) Disputed
1 point

Have you even considered about the harmful effects of alcohol on young people? How many young people are behind bars for committing crimes under the influence of alcohol? I agree with you that even though the laws are there many people still use it but my question to you is if the laws were not there then how many more young people would have been using it?

What about alcohol addiction in young people? Do you think that giving alcohol to young people will solve any of the issues we are already facing in society? Do you think that is a good example for young people? You mentioned in one of your later arguments that you and your buddies use alcohol but all of you do not create problems so my question to you is; do you think that every teenager or majority of teenagers is like you and your buddies?

Side: Yes!
sayyad99(773) Disputed
0 points

Have you even considered about the harmful effects of alcohol on young people? How many young people are behind bars for committing crimes under the influence of alcohol? I agree with you that even though the laws are there many people still use it but my question to you is if the laws were not there then how many more young people would have been using it?

What about alcohol addiction in young people? Do you think that giving alcohol to young people will solve any of the issues we are already facing in society? Do you think that is a good example for young people? You mentioned in one of your later arguments that you and your buddies use alcohol but all of you do not create problems so my question to you is; do you think that every teenager or majority of teenagers is like you and your buddies?

Side: Yes!
sayyad99(773) Disputed
0 points

Have you even considered about the harmful effects of alcohol on young people? How many young people are behind bars for committing crimes under the influence of alcohol? I agree with you that even though the laws are there many people still use it but my question to you is if the laws were not there then how many more young people would have been using it?

What about alcohol addiction in young people? Do you think that giving alcohol to young people will solve any of the issues we are already facing in society? Do you think that is a good example for young people? You mentioned in one of your later arguments that you and your buddies use alcohol but all of you do not create problems so my question to you is; do you think that every teenager or majority of teenagers is like you and your buddies?

Side: Yes!
1 point

No 21 year olds aren't even responsible enough in my opinion the drinking age should be changed to 25.

Side: No!
casper3912(1581) Disputed
1 point

That would merely shift a stage in a alcohol user life up 4 years and prolong a stage that generally should be minimized by the laws. Being able to legally drink around mature drinkers is a important modeling opportunity. Pushing the age up would decrease the modeling opportunity and cause a further gap between teachers of responsible drinking and their students, resulting in a even greater degree of irresponsibility among new drinkers and a longer learning period.

Side: No!
1 point

I believe that drinking age shouldn't be changed from 21 to 18. One of the reasons is that lower drinking age can increase fatal accidents. According to a study from United States, lowering the drinking age increases car crashes among youth. Researchers show that the rate of traffic crashes and injuries increased 12% for 18-19 year old males and 14% among 15-17 year old males comparing the four years before and after the United State's legislature lowered the drinking age to 18. I take the view that drinking age shouldn't be changed, because it would have very bad negative consequences.

Side: No!
1 point

According to a study from United States, lowering the drinking age increases car crashes among youth.

Do you have a source or link to this study?

Side: Yes!

So many 18 year olds in high school around younger kids that I would not recommend 18 - I'd be fine with 19 though (and 18 with a military I.D.)

Same for cigs, pot, etc.

Side: No!

The minimum drinking age should remain at 21. A person is more mature at that age.

Side: No!
1 point

Somebody already bumped this, it's too late.

I don't really feel really strongly one way or another, but since most are posting on the other side, I'll go ahead and make a different case.

The brain, namely the prefrontal cortex, is not fully developed by age 18, this region of the brain is responsible for planning and impulse control, and probably doesn't finish developing until age 25. Does this mean that other privileges and responsibilities could be also questioned on the same basis? Probably. At least there is a logical order put behind this.

Side: No!
1 point


Fuck, Vote, War, Drive, Drink at 25.

Probably forgetting a lot of stuff.

Side: No!
-1 points


Supporting Evidence: rta kitchen cabinets (
Side: No!