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RSS Kokbayeva

Reward Points:17
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

What would we do with association or stereotypes? I'm confident that it is impossible to try to solve this problem. People will always judge such couples. Moreover, I can understand them. Also I think that these young girls fell in love with the old men because of their maturity.

1 point

I think that age is really important in relationships. For example, 25 years old young girl and 55 years old man is dating. Just imagine it, it is not right. What would think about it people? I'm sure that her parents would be against it. Of course, you can say that age doesn't matter in love. However, in most cases these young girls don't love that older man. They tend to favor them because of their financial status. In addition, I think that such relationships are not socially acceptable.

1 point

I believe that drinking age shouldn't be changed from 21 to 18. One of the reasons is that lower drinking age can increase fatal accidents. According to a study from United States, lowering the drinking age increases car crashes among youth. Researchers show that the rate of traffic crashes and injuries increased 12% for 18-19 year old males and 14% among 15-17 year old males comparing the four years before and after the United State's legislature lowered the drinking age to 18. I take the view that drinking age shouldn't be changed, because it would have very bad negative consequences.

1 point

Drugs shouldn't be legalized. Drugs have serious negative consequences that influence on people's health. For example, AID is a deadly disease that cause unbelievable damage. According to Patrick Emmet, author of Drugs in America, when cocaine is smoked, it depresses the breathing center in the brain and increases the risk of death from heart failure or overdose. Also legalization would increase the number of drug abusers and crime . I believe drug legalization would have very bad consequences that influence on society in a negative way.

1 point

In my view that texting become a big problem in America. For example, text messaging while driving can be very dangerous. An estimated 20 percent of drivers are sending or receiving text messages while behind the wheel, according to a Nationwide Insurance study. Researchers show that text messaging popular especially among young people, is exacting a deadly toll. It can have very bad consequences. Many crashes are related to text messaging. I believe that text messaging become a problem.

1 point

I take the view that class size really influence on academic achievement of students. Small class size has better results than large class size. For example, in small size class, there will be more attention on students. Teachers can make more contributions to pupils' development. They will have more opportunity to check every students' homework and focuse on important themes. Most of reseachers show that smaller class size increase student academic performance and gives a better and personal educational experience. I believe that small class size more effective that large class size on academic achievement of students.

1 point

I take the view that education at school is much better than education at home. Pupils that study at school have more opportunity to have a lot of friends. I don't think that pupils who study at home less educated. However, they can't have such communication with people. For example, education at school improve your ability to communicate with people. When you don't understand something, you can ask your classmates. Of course, it is more convenient. Honestly, education at school much better because you always share different news with your friends. I believe that education at school has more benefits than education at home.

1 point

I believe that social media makes us less social. Of course, social websites like facebook help us to communicate with everyone that we want. However, nowadays many people are not able to communicate verbally. Everybody can communicate through such social websites, but not all can do it in real life. People are loosing ability to communicate personally. It is very sad that we prefer non verbal to verbal communication.

1 point

According to a new long-term study done by Brock university in Canada, teenagers who play violent video games over a number of years become more aggressive towards other people. That's why I agree that violent computer games result in more aggressive teens. For example, Callum Green fourteen years old teenager from Stockport, hanged himself after playing Call of Duty. In view that it will be better if teenagers stop playing such games. I believe that there a direct relationship between violent video games and aggressive behaviour

1 point

I agree that technology brings more advantages to society. Technology makes our life easier and more comfortable. Nowadays we can communicate with our friends or family through internet. Computer and internet are providing with information that we need. You can get news or other information from any parts of the world. Also cars, bikes, airplanes and etc. help to reach anywhere very quickly. I take the view that technology has changed our life in a positive way

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