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That would be sweet! That's so lame
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 That's so lame (2)

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LittleMisfit(1745) pic

Should they make this an Olympic event?

That would be sweet!

Side Score: 0

That's so lame

Side Score: 2
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1 point

This is so stupid. It's like playing the floor is lava but out in the city.

Side: That's so lame
LittleMisfit(1745) Clarified
1 point

You're no fun. Look at all the smiles on peoples faces. Doing crazy stuff like that is what makes life enjoyable and creates memories. The things that I remember the most are the crazy things I did when I was a teenager, like going ice blocking, doing drive by shootings with squirt guns, having shaving cream fights, going Christmas caroling on Halloween, bungee jumping, making really cheesy music videos, etc. Those were some of the best days of my life.

Side: That would be sweet!
Srom(12206) Clarified
1 point

Yeah, well I am not interested in a lot of things really. The only thing I like to do on my free time is read the Bible, play basketball, play video games, and watch anime. Everything else to me is boring when I try something new out. That's why sometimes I feel like I have a boring life because I am not all that outgoing really. I am starting to now get sick of video games because I find that every game I play is really boring and uninteresting to me. So usually I won't play video games.

I can't really play basketball outside anymore because it has been freezing for the past couple of days in Washington, and I don't really like being outside in the cold playing basketball. Now I have to wait until spring comes around and then I will be playing more of basketball then.

Side: That would be sweet!
1 point

no i don't think so, this is not a proper sport to play in the Olympics..

Side: That's so lame