
Debate Info

Sure, why not? Are u on Swedish drugs?
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 Sure, why not? (3)
 Are u on Swedish drugs? (3)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40130) pic

Should we break up the U.S. into smaller (people/land) more manageable\independe


Is this a case for smaller government?

Sure, why not?

Side Score: 3

Are u on Swedish drugs?

Side Score: 3
1 point

If all those facts are true then I'm moving to Sweden. Seems like they know what they are doing.

Side: Sure, why not?

I hope you like 19 hours of darkness during the winter months ;)

Side: Sure, why not?
1 point

Fine with me. I hate the cold. I'll hibernate instead. I don't see how people like the cold. Preference I guess.

Side: Sure, why not?
Side: Are u on Swedish drugs?

200 years of peace. Why? Maybe because no one wants what they have. Maybe they don't go around telling other governments to stop committing crimes against humanity or human rights violations. Who knows? ;)

Side: Are u on Swedish drugs?
1 point

Sorry. the USA is too interested in punishing bad people through their jails internally and through their army externally. They could never give that up to afford the qualities that make sweden great. Plus... What Sweden has can't be eaten or shot so an average usaian would have little interest...

Side: Are u on Swedish drugs?