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Debate Score:34
Total Votes:48
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Vladimir(26) pic

Should women drive a car or not


Side Score: 21


Side Score: 13
4 points

I totally disagree with your point of view. Even if men's brain works faster, women's brain pay more attention on details. It is not easy for them to catch all details fast. But their brain's sensors are concentrated carefully. Moreover, more carefully than men's. And if you noticed they are really care about accurate driving. May be it is fear, responsibility to the husband or daddy because ussually husbands or fathers presents them cars.

Side: yes
ricedaragh(2482) Disputed
1 point

May be it is fear, responsibility to the husband or daddy because ussually husbands or fathers presents them cars.

Really, not one of the women I know that drive were given their cars, not one.

Side: No
3 points

With the links that i provided you will show you that women are infact better drivers than men.

I will provide a text example from the link, if you are not desired to click on the link. In other words, don't be lazy if you are.

I know i am. :) safety/are-men-better-drivers-than-women.aspx


"According to TrafficSTATS, a risk analysis study by Carnegie Mellon for AAA in 2007, men have a 77% higher risk of dying in an accident compared to women. The study, using information from both the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) and the National Household Travel Survey estimated fatalities per 100 million trips to be 14.61 for men and 6.53 for women. The total number of fatalities between 1999 and 2005 were 175,094 for men and 82,371 women."


'Topping the list is the finding that men are cited for reckless driving 3.41 more times than women. Reckless driving is considered one of the most serious traffic offenses by courts since it implies a disregard for the rights and safety of people or property."

I think two links would be enough would you agree?

But i want to provide you another link (posted in 1998) that states that men are infact better drivers.


"Overall, men were involved in 5.1 crashes per million miles driven compared to 5.7 crashes for women, despite the fact that on average they drove 74 percent more miles per year than did women."

I found this website on google searches and while i was completing this comment. I know that this link does contradict my answer to this debate. However, that doesn't mean that the other links are false.

Infact, how do we know if the information we research are even true at all?! I guess i have to trust in this information. If these links are factual/truthful then i will conclude that at one point, women were better drivers. And at one point, men are better drivers.

Side: yes
2 points

I 100% agree that women should be driving, that free's up the passenger seat so the man can check out other women without worrying while driving.

I don't think it really matters in the end person I think age is more important issue than sex.

Side: yes
2 points

I believe that women should be allowed to drive a car. If women can work and study, then they should be allowed to drive a car too. Car - is it the same undeniable achievement of civilization as a computer, mobile phone or a washing machine. Why, instead of a comfortable, warm car, we spend hours (in the cold and rain) standing at bus stops and push in the subway? Just because someone once hammered into our head that the car - it's only men attribute. So, I totally agree that women should drive a car.

Side: yes
2 points

Yes! But lesbians should only drive trucks!

Side: yes
2 points

But lesbians should only drive trucks!

Hellno is back! Spread the word!

Side: yes
2 points

As i said it is better to let them drive a car. Sure, it is not easy for them to used to drive a car, but nothing come easy and fast. AAnd there is no disadvatages. In conclusion i want to say that women should drive a car!

Side: yes
1 point

Men and women have distinctions, when they at the wheel. For example, when men at the wheel they look forward as lateral sight at them is badly developed. And at women lateral sight is is much better developed rather than at men. Because of this man women have more often an accident rather than. Therefore it seems to me what is better to drive to women, than men.

It is not necessary to say that it is difficult to meet the man who wouldn't try to squeeze out of the four-wheel friend a maximum of its possibilities once. And among women there is no direct rivalry among them, they aren't come to mind to be urged on on counter or to cut other driver, or to push luck, passing on red color of a traffic light.

For this reasons we should let women to drive the car

Side: yes
1 point

Hi, my name is Aidana Rysmendiyeva. It is very interesting questions and there are a lot of points of view. I want to say that it is very good that woman can drive a car. And I think that women should drive a car. In my country the number of women that drive a car is even more than men. I'm from Kazakhstan. I'm very glad because I enjoy driving.

Side: yes
-2 points
4 points

Not all women multi-task. Not all women distract themselves with multi-tasking while driving. Some men are multi-taskers and some even do it while behind the wheel.

Its not a matter of male or female, it’s a matter of distracting yourself while behind the wheel or not. So, should those of us who do not distract ourselves with talking on the phone, texting, fiddling with the radio/CD player etc., lose our privilege to drive because of those who do?

Men are on average more likely to drive drunk. Women do this too, but men are more likely. Should ALL men have their license revoked because of that? No, because some men don't drink at all.

Side: No
-2 points
1 point

Why has no-one disputed this?, I make this completely outrageous statement and no-one seems to care?

Side: No
ricedaragh(2482) Disputed
1 point

I gave you a down-vote because you seem upset. .

Side: yes
1 point

Thank you, at least someone here has a sense of morality. It's strange to see how no-one's really disputed it.

Side: yes
1 point

Women are inferior.

Lmao! This actually made me laugh... I was so sure something was fishy!

Side: No
2 points

I just wanted to spice things up a little, it's a shame no-one actually took it seriously, I was prepared to fight myself into a corner.

Side: No