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RSS TenDiamonD

Reward Points:4
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6 most recent arguments.
3 points

As a statistics shows facebook is the most popular social network, in fact more than 750 million people are rigistrated there. twitter users are about 200 million people. vkontakte more than 100 million. And this is only active users who visits social networks every week. What about just registered wih are visits not as often as active users, Facebook +640 million, Ozone +480 million, haboo and twitter +200 million, Myspace and orkut + 120 million, bebo and vkontakte +115 million, tagged and badoo +100 million. And it is far not all. Finally more than billion people are using social networks.

4 points

There are a lot of social networks such as vkontakte, moy mir, facebook, twitter where you can not only socialize with someone. You even can to play onine games, to see each others photoes, to make comments, to orginize interview, to listen to music and more... If your parents are very strict, and you can not meet with someone at night or in the evening, how will you make friends? surely, in social networks.

4 points

It is impossible to sit in internet in a prison. And you can make friend with someone, after that socialize with him, to learn him/her better, and finally to meet with him/her. You are not going to find out someone and at once meet with him/her. Basically, it is best way to learn more about this person, by his/her photoes, comments, hobbies are available in his/her main page. For instance, our family friends and my daddy's collegues are married 7 years ago. Firstly they found out each others in social network, after that they socialized a lot, then started to call to each othr and only after a lot of month they met. And it was their first date. Is it bad? Are they maniacs? or prisoners? NO, it is better to make friends in social networks.

4 points

In my opinion it i better to make friends anyway, but there can be some problems to socialize with someone from another country. What will you do? Nowadays it is very developed sphere, i mean social network. And it is not problem to make friends with someone, only after that to see him/her in real life. You can choose by some criterias. Style may be appearance can influence to your deicision, and you can socialize with your friend 24 hours per day. I think there more advatages to make friends in social networks rather than in real life.

2 points

As i said it is better to let them drive a car. Sure, it is not easy for them to used to drive a car, but nothing come easy and fast. AAnd there is no disadvatages. In conclusion i want to say that women should drive a car!

4 points

I totally disagree with your point of view. Even if men's brain works faster, women's brain pay more attention on details. It is not easy for them to catch all details fast. But their brain's sensors are concentrated carefully. Moreover, more carefully than men's. And if you noticed they are really care about accurate driving. May be it is fear, responsibility to the husband or daddy because ussually husbands or fathers presents them cars.

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