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Debate Score:11
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Social Media Have Made Us More Antisocial

And right now I'm specifically talking about communicating with friends. Nowadays, it seems accepted that when you text a friend, asking them to hang out, you might not get a reply right away, or at all. Heck, they might even read your Facebook message (so you see it's been read) and still not give you an answer. They might not be in the mood or they don't want to commit, afraid something better will come along. This now seems normal behavior between friends and I call it antisocial. 

For more on this go watch Aziz Ansari's new show on Netflix where he talks about modern day dating/communication.


Side Score: 7


Side Score: 4

Social media, and saying things online in general, makes you more detached from others. While it may be simpler to have interactions with many, each of those interactions means much less. Because you are not seeing the person's face or even saying your words out loud, it's much easier to say hurtful things, things you don't mean, or go to extremes without having the actual meaning behind them. This weakens social skills.

Also, social media can start to take the place of real human contact, and at least remove familiarity with it. If someone is always on social media, they lose the experiences of learning actual social communication skills, and as such are unable to or are afraid to take part in social interactions.

Side: Agree
2 points

I agree with pirateelfdog, there are now psychiatric disorders associated with the addiction and rejection caused by social media sites.

Whilst it is a useful communication tool, we should never become so accustomed to it that we lose the ability to have enjoyable social interactions without it.

It has been claimed online that Steve Jobs the Apple Guru was a low tech parent and limited his children's use of technology in the home.

Is that saying something...?

Side: Agree
1 point

true..people are making strangers friend but are creating distance from real life friends...they start finding their social media friends more interesting than their real a public event u will find people busy in their mobiles rather than talking to others.

Side: Agree

I agree as nowadays, you can see when a family goes out for dinner, every single member uses their phone instead of talking to each other and socialising. Soon, this will get worse as time goes by.

Side: Agree
1 point

I agree completely. Everywhere you go you see groups of people looking at their phones almost oblivious to the world around them. Rather than looking outward to the wider world, social media has tended to reinforce the inner self and the local.

Side: Agree

Social Media does have its share of problems and rudeness is one of them.

Side: Agree

Using social media has been found to increase levels of oxytocin (aka the cuddle hormone) which helps with relationships with other people.

Side: Disagree
1 point

I disagree, too much of everything is bad but a using the social media can be very helpful sometimes.It have made things better in every way possible. precaution should be taken that not to mix virtuallity with reallity. Reallity is beutiful,full of surprises. and virtuallity is just the extented and coiled part of it.

Side: Disagree
1 point

Agreed. My dad always said "Everything is good- in moderation." Social media is no exception.

Side: Disagree
1 point

Social media is not about being antisocial and avoiding a social life. It's about connecting with others more often- and in more ways- than ever possible before.

There's no doubt it has done the exact opposite sometimes. But that doesn't mean all people suffer from it. Social media has encouraged many people, including myself, to interact with others more often. Besides, it's a great way to set up outings in real life.

Side: Disagree