
Debate Info

inspiring bullshit
Debate Score:17
Total Votes:17
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 inspiring (3)
 bullshit (11)

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wolfbite(432) pic

State of the Union Address, inspiring or bullshit?

What are your thoughts?




Side Score: 6


Side Score: 11

It gave me hope. There were some parts that made me proud. It was also cool that he through in some jokes throughout. Just icing on the cake.

Side: inspiring
wolfbite(432) Disputed
1 point

I think a lot of the people were laughing at him, not with him.

Side: bullshit
1 point

I would not laugh at president, I would laugh at people, who do not understand that they are living in a country which run out of ideas. The whole speach was words words words. Especially example with Chili... he should add to it that production will be moved to China... and how many pieces of equipment of that kind world need? One? And when was it last time anyone saw an american kid inspired by idea of helping people ...?

Side: bullshit
1 point

The only hope is that he is the first president who at least said already twice: USA does not make enough technical people to move this country in ... whatever way. He also said that americans will have to be competitive even although americans are still proud. And nobody argued about Chineese president stating that chonees people are more productive than americans... Did you pay attention? The first man spoken of education was Greenspan in 1998, even before internet bubble. Obama was second. Not sure what Bush was thinking about it, but for sure Bush robbed those investors who invested in american real estate enigma. And now when there are no byuers for american real estate papers... every idiot complains that Obama is the only 1 who buys those papers...

Side: inspiring
1 point

I have only seen part of it but so far the only thing I can agree with are more math and science in schools.

But I hate the way he pitched it all like 'we need to be more like China and Germany' like.

I'll post more later. ..

by the way I'm not going with that tag I'll try to be more mature.

Side: bullshit
ledhead818(638) Disputed
4 points

Right because admitting that there are areas in which America is not successful and pointing to countries that do succeed in those areas as role models is weak and unpatriotic.

Side: inspiring

More science in schools? I just read an article the other day that says that Berkeley California is going to be closing down their science labs! Why? Because white kids get the most advantage out of it, and they wanted to help those poor little negroes do something that they like.

Side: bullshit
1 point

yes. americans need to produce something more than just dollars... Bush used to say ... "resilient economy".

Side: bullshit

Oh crap! Was that today? I missed it! I must have been doing something important like sorting my sock drawer ;)

Side: bullshit

I only read the first few paragraphs on Forbes, but I can tell you that it was far from inspiring.

Side: bullshit

By now, anyone that watches the State of the Union whether you are Democrat or Republican or Independent knows that it is bullshit. The same stuff is regurgitated every year.

Side: bullshit

Complete and total bullshit. Many things in the speech were stupid lies, but the one that concerns me most is the fact that we are politically moving away from israel and trying make friends with the islamic countries. Why is it concerning? Because Israel has the most disiciplined and powerful military in the world. 1967. 6 day war. They brought 3 bigger countries to their knees in a matter of days. That is not something I want to have to mess with.

Side: bullshit
1 point

A lot of this stuff was promised on the campaign trail but never delivered! He speaks of more government intervention in the economy which as a supporter of the free market deeply frightens me! He now call stimulus, investments which I find troubling. All in all it was nothing more than the same old big talk from the president

Side: bullshit
1 point

what a load of crap! new business like mine cares nothing of BHO's class warfare or his politics of envy. I will vote for a rubber boot over this moron!

Side: bullshit