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 The Democrat party has become so extreme, there are no longer moderate choices. (8)

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Cuaroc(8829) pic

The Democrat party has become so extreme, there are no longer moderate choices.

Where is the voice of moderate Democrats and where are the moderate Democrat politicians they could support? There are none and there have been none for many years. The Party has been taken over by Progressive extremists. They are bought and paid for by feminists, environmentalists, planned parenthood, the aborton lobby, the anti gun lobby, the LBGT lobby, minority lobby, etc. etc.

This is why our nation keeps heading for a total collapse, whether it be a collapse in the moral values that once kept our families together, or a fiscal collapse as we are seeing with our 19 trillion national debt and the 500 billion interest payments on that debt each year.
Whenever the Republican party puts forth an establishment Republican as it has for many years now, many Conservatives in the party stay home on election day and the result is an extremist Obama for eight LONG years, and now possibly a corrupt extremist Hillary Clinton.

Trump and Cruz are the result of these extremist Democrats and establishment Republicans. Conservative Republicans are fed up as our nation burns. But what happens if Trump or Cruz are denied the republican nomination and once again Conservatives sit home? It wll be the end of America as we know it. The nation of the people will become the nation of big Government and activists Justices transforming our laws and freedoms.

If there are indeed still some moderate Democrats out there, where is their voice? Where are their moderate political choices for President? It says a lot about people who claim to be moderate but keep voting for extremists.

I look at the so called moderate Democrats and their deafening silence, as I look at so called moderate Muslims and their deafening silence. Where are the protests in the streets from so called moderate Muslims who claim the terrorists are twisting their religion? There are no protests in the streets! Do you realize the good that could come from huge street protests being aired on world news? Can you imagine the power of seeing moderate Muslims, Christians and Atheists holding hands in solidarity against the atrocities from terrorists? That would do so much good to create trust between Christians, Atheists and Muslims in this nation.
But as we see, there are no protest in the streets from moderate Muslims. Have you ever wondered why the king of street protests (the Democrat party) when it comes to Black lives matter, etc., has not organized Muslim protests to speak out against terrorism?
Could it be that there are few moderate Muslims willing to protest?

The bottom line? Our nation is burning and Conservative Repubican's are speaking out. They are taking a stand against the status quo of big corrupt Government. Don't let this uprising die. Your children's futures ly in the balance.
Just once in your life, give Conservatives a try because they have never had a majority voice in our Government. Bush was NO Conservative!
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When I first started typing this I thought this debate was about salsa but now I realize that it isn't. Sorry about the mixup. But I do have to agree with your statement.

4 points

Whenever the Republican party puts forth an establishment Republican as it has for many years now, many Conservatives in the party stay home on election day and the result is an extremist Obama for eight LONG years, and now possibly a corrupt extremist Hillary Clinton.

George Bush was an establishment Republican. They do win.

Trump and Cruz are the result of these extremist Democrats and establishment Republicans. Conservative Republicans are fed up as our nation burns.

You guys aren't conservatives, you are just cry babies.

But what happens if Trump or Cruz are denied the republican nomination and once again Conservatives sit home?

Who else could possibly get the nomination?

It wll be the end of America as we know it.

You don't actually know anything about America.

I look at the so called moderate Democrats and their deafening silence, as I look at so called moderate Muslims and their deafening silence. Where are the protests in the streets from so called moderate Muslims who claim the terrorists are twisting their religion? There are no protests in the streets! Do you realize the good that could come from huge street protests being aired on world news? Can you imagine the power of seeing moderate Muslims, Christians and Atheists holding hands in solidarity against the atrocities from terrorists? That would do so much good to create trust between Christians, Atheists and Muslims in this nation.

Let's try Google

But as we see, there are no protest in the streets from moderate Muslims.

False. You never looked.

Have you ever wondered why the king of street protests (the Democrat party) when it comes to Black lives matter, etc., has not organized Muslim protests to speak out against terrorism?

Black Lives Matter is not organized by the Democratic Party.

Could it be that there are few moderate Muslims willing to protest?

No, it could be that you are not looking.

The bottom line? Our nation is burning and Conservative Repubican's are speaking out.

They aren't even opening their eyes.

They are taking a stand against the status quo of big corrupt Government.

Your only concern is that the big corrupt government gets big enough to stop abortions.

Don't let this uprising die. Your children's futures ly in the balance.

You have only benefited the cause of the left.

Just once in your life, give Conservatives a try because they have never had a majority voice in our Government. Bush was NO Conservative!

Your idea of conservatives involves pushing away as much intelligence as possible.

1 point

Wow, GoCart, you just tore his debate a new one!


Rarely in my time here have a seen one of this idiot's reactionary piles of steaming woo he calls opinions so thoroughly and calmly destroyed.

You picked him apart like a sugeon removing a tumor.

CLEANED his freaking clock!!! very true how most of his problem is simply that he refuses to even try to research the veracity of others opinions. Like googling examples of moderate Muslims protesting Islamic terrorism.

He doesn't want the facts to interfere with his opinions!!!


Keep up the Good work!

1 point

Thanks. very true how most of his problem is simply that he refuses to even try to research the veracity of others opinions. Like googling examples of moderate Muslims protesting Islamic terrorism.

I saw his claim and thought that would be the easiest way to show him he was wrong.

2 points

The Democratic Party no longer hides that they are Socialist just look at the current Presidential Candidates on the Democratic side. One is a self proclaimed Socialist and the other is a self proclaimed 20th Century Progressive. 1358195/-Hillary-in-07-I-consider-myself-a-proud-modern-American-progressive

No denying her words ! berniesandersbecomesfirst_socialist

No denying his claim !

They objectively haven't, and those who have bothered to study political science know that. I'd go through the process of demonstrating it but I have done so for FromWithin so many times that at this point, I'm just simply going to give up. If someone needs me to explain I can.

Needless to say, the Democratic Party is not ideologically extreme by global standards, Western standards, American standards, or even the historical standards of the Democratic Party.

1 point


Hillary is in fact a moderate Democrat.

Bernie of course is not.

He IS on the extreme left.

Wheras Clinmton is only about two or three clicks left of center.


The Nation as a who!e is usually construed as being one or two clicks right of center.

Joe Biden is also a moderate Democrat.

Hope this helps.

IAmSparticus(1516) Clarified
1 point

The Nation as a who!e is usually construed as being one or two clicks right of center.

I hear people on the right repeat that, yet most polls done on relevant policies (as opposed to politicians) reveal center left trends, most prominently in the social sphere.

0 points

This is true.

As far as those findings in the sphere of personal liberties.

But the thing is that it is the ONLY sphere were cumulative opinion is to the left of center.

Overall, however, with especially the rightmost clamor for fiscal conservatism and small government, National PoliSci zeitgeist remains a click or so right of center.

This is easier to believe when you consider the absurd puritanical ways we have. For which we are laughed at by European and Scandinavian nations.

And remember that fully 80% of Americans believe in prayer and God!

An amount I find to be downright scary. But it will help you understand how my right of center claim is indeed accurate.
