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It does not It does
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 It does not (2)
 It does (1)

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LtMcAlex(12) pic

The U.S. government works against/ignores the constitution?

I have read the constitution several times for the past few weeks and realized that our government has done many illegal things, such as spending more money than their budget allows them to. Also their are still problems with the constitution that need to be fixed, such as the 13 amendment which does not provide African-Americans freedom from the draft, there is no amendment that prevents it from happening. Is the US government going by their own will and authority? or are they finding ways to avoid the constitution?

It does not

Side Score: 3

It does

Side Score: 3
2 points

The government can utilize a draft as a means to raise an army - no one is protected from a draft excepting for the fact that they're really, super unpopular. And the 13th amendment is the abolition of chattel slavery. You might as well argue that the second amendment doesn't do that, either. And while I recognize it is irresponsible, what is unconstitutional about going over budget?

Side: It does not

If Congress is exceeding the Constitution, it is not by doing anything mentioned in your description.

spending more money than their budget allows them to

Nothing in the Constitution prevents the country from having a public debt or yearly deficit. In fact, we had a public debt on day one from costs of the Revolutionary War.

freedom from the draft

As Mahollinder said, Congress uses the draft to raise and support armies which is a power granted to them by Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution. Conscription was used during the Revolutionary War. National/Federal conscription was started during the Civil War and was found constitutional by the Supreme Court ruling on the Selective Draft Law Cases in 1918.

Side: It does not

When government breaks the law, and the Constitution, a new standard is set, and society will likely do the same. When the individual lives within the Constitution and holds government officials responsible, they become the lawbreakers.


Side: It does