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 The one thing I love about Trump is how he can bring up Bill Clinton's rape accusations. (2)

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Cuaroc(8829) pic

The one thing I love about Trump is how he can bring up Bill Clinton's rape accusations.

There's not a lot I love about Trump other than his strong stance on immgration, and keeping terrorists out of this nation, and his disdain for political correctness. The one other thing I love is how he can bring up issues such as the women who accused Bill Clinton of attempted rape or actual rape and the media can't do a thing to scare him.
Trump laughs at the media's attempts of attacking him when he is not politically correct. Hillary was trying to crucify him as having no respect for women when the hypocrite herself road Bill's coattails to this point in her career. She never cared one hoot for those women who accused Bill of rape. She defended him right up to this point where she is going to use him to help her get elected. Trump put her in her place when he told her he would bring up Bill's past if she keeps trying to attack him on disrepect for women.

Have you noticed Bill Cosby has been arrested for accusations of rape 10 years ago. Gee i wonder if Bill Clinton does not want to stir up a hornet's nest also.
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1 point

But does it make him a good candidate for president? Many people can speak their minds unreservedly but that doesn't mean they would make a good president.

FromWithin(8241) Clarified
1 point

Ask that question on my original debate and not this copied debate and i will answer you.

Cuaroc(8829) Clarified
1 point

No you won't.

1 point

The weirdest thing is that it showed Trump does have some kind of restraint. The fact that he is willing to hold back his thoughts about Bill is incredible considering everything else he has said.