
Debate Info

I think so Maybe not
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 I think so (2)
 Maybe not (2)

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atypican(4875) pic

The problem of authority is unassailable

I think so

Side Score: 3

Maybe not

Side Score: 2
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The reason Americans have the right to bear arms, is so that authority is not unassailable. Just try starting a revolution any time soon and see how far you get ;)

Side: Maybe not
1 point

A hicks with shotguns revolution vs the US army or even the national guard would be a pretty short revolution. But they would go down shooting, for sure.

Side: I think so

That is not how it would play out.

As Americans, we know our strengths and our weaknesses. We know how our society works. We are in a very good position to tear it down. A revolution in our soil would involve elements that we have learned work. Guerrilla and terrorist tactics. Sabotage and subversion of military troops. Trafficking of weapons through the black market. It would be bloody ;)

Side: I think so
1 point

Why would it necessarily be "hicks" vs the US army, it could be Liberals vs the US army (it depend on who in power at the time). Oh wait... never mind, liberals don't believe in guns, the left is screwed =).

Side: Maybe not