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 There is a horrible pattern with the Democrat party. They constantly lie to get elected! (4)

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Cuaroc(8829) pic

There is a horrible pattern with the Democrat party. They constantly lie to get elected!

Never in my lifetime have I ever seen such a corrupt party. The Democrat party must have sold their souls to the Devil to be as dishonest about who they are, what they stand for and what they support.

They will never admit they support the right's of states to have no limit abortions right up to birth for any reason. LIARS!

They refused to admit how Hillary and Obama lied about the Benghazi attacks being started from anti muslim videos. They lied to allow Obama to spew his rhetoric of how terrorism was under control right before his re election. LIARS!

Rememer Obamacare where we could keep our doctors and insurance plans and our premiums would go down? LIARS!

Democrats keep telling us how there were no classified emails on Hillary's server? LIARS!

Remember the IRS scandal where Lois Lerner took the fifth to cover her's and the Democrat's conspiracy against Conservative groups? LIARS!

What is most sickening is how many Americans will STILL vote for proven liars! What does that say abut the Democrat voters?

Now please do what you always do, and try to say that George Bush knew there were no WMD's and purposely lied about it. There was never one shred of proof to that accusation but you keep spewing it because you have nothing else.
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1 point

4 people die and he needs to make sure we remember that Hillary lied. Thousands die in a meaningless war and the lie involved should just be forgotten.

Supporting Evidence: Bush Lies (
1 point

The Democratic party in our country is considered to be a party with "no solutions". We the people should consider wondering why the Democratic party a party that lies to the people to gain being in position of an interest that's not in the interest of the American people would understand that they need to be in power to control, manipulate, regulate and predicate our lives because we have conditioned ourselves to believe in a higher authority. We conditioned ourselves to tolerate, empathize and sympathize any and all occurrences for the sake of being "politically correct". Basically we've been dubbed by the Democratic Party. The Party of "no solutions" means just that!

The Democratic party's total reason for still being in existence in our country is to create and maintain a "dependent class" There's 3 different types of Democrat groups. 1- The elite "Progressives" 2- The moderate "liberals", 3 - The "Under links" Poor un-informed groups. The Democratic Party needs fuel to operate and that fuel is a "middle class", just think for a moment to realize that without a "middle class" how would any political party be able to control a group of people? Easy.... create policies, regulations that can and will foster a lower class in society. The more people are conditioned to be mislead and educated to expect, then what results is socialism.

Liberalism leads to Socialism and Socialism leads to Communism. Liberalism should mean to be liberate other wise free. Socialism means to apply socially, and Communism means to rule of. So it equals to "the collaboration rule of the free". Throughout all social, financial, educational, commercial and spiritual. The Democratic Party is a party with "no solutions" because if was a party of solutions then America wouldn't need this party anymore, it would've defeated the purpose, So understand by appearing to undermine our reasoning is to equally sustain the false need to govern. In closing the Democratic Party should be abolished any and all Democratic Sentors should be tried for Treasoning for the intended social destructive programs that plaqued our nation. As of March 11, 2015 No normal American should ever vote for a Democrat

1 point

This routine was a lot funnier and more accurate when Lewis Black did it years ago. The Republicans are they party of bad ideas and the Democrats are the party of no ideas. The Republicans say "I have a really bad idea" and the Democrats respond with "I know how to make that idea even shittier"

The lower class has grown because of the changes to our taxes for trickle down economics that hasn't trickled down yet.

As of March 11, 2015 No normal American should ever vote for a Democrat

What happened last year to make us think the Democrats should not be voted for?

Lewis Black
FromWithin(8241) Clarified
1 point

Just to let you know, you are posting on a copied site. The idiot that copies my debates does so because he is a child who when banned must act like a spoiled child. He is incapabe of creating his own debate.

So just for your own knowledge, if you want a response to your truthful comments, just look down the new debates list and you will see the original debate and the person who wrote it.

1 point

Never in my lifetime have I ever seen such a corrupt party.

You must not have looked very far.

The Democrat party must have sold their souls to the Devil to be as dishonest about who they are, what they stand for and what they support.

Democrats are actually pretty moderate. If you want crazy left-wing positions, look to Europe.

They will never admit they support the right's of states to have no limit abortions right up to birth for any reason. LIARS!

Why must the federal government take everything into its own hands? If the states lost their powers, it would not longer be the United States of America, but instead just America.

Democrats keep telling us how there were no classified emails on Hillary's server? LIARS!

The FBI is still out on this one.

On the other hand, plenty of Democrats are calling for the arrest of Bill for helping out his wife's campaign.

Remember the IRS scandal where Lois Lerner took the fifth to cover her's and the Democrat's conspiracy against Conservative groups? LIARS!

Are there no Republican-led scandals, or are they impervious to scheming duplicity?

What is most sickening is how many Americans will STILL vote for proven liars! What does that say abut the Democrat voters?

Donald Trump.

Now please do what you always do, and try to say that George Bush knew there were no WMD's and purposely lied about it. There was never one shred of proof to that accusation but you keep spewing it because you have nothing else.

Thank you for bringing this up.

There were no WMDs!