
Debate Info

True L tardia mcdoofusberry
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 True (3)
 L tardia mcdoofusberry (1)

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Narutochakra(49) pic

Things don't exist

There is no such thing as a thing. Everything is the same thing. We all exist on the same plane and are all oscillations of the same membrane.  At a fundamental level  there are no seperate things, just different wavelengths frequencies and oscillations of the same field that appear in different places and configurations. You are nothing but a bag of oscillations and vibrations and so am I, we are part of the same field, your eye is connected to my toe through the field and we are both made of the field. Everything from what you ate yesterday to the feces of the inner toilet manifolds are connected and are just a different manifestatiopn of the same thing.


Side Score: 4

L tardia mcdoofusberry

Side Score: 1
2 points

Hey man give me a break, I figured that shit out in junior school.

Side: True

You must be a smart guy. People who have that natural intuition are getting more and more rare. They see physics as numbers and reality as rigid and clunky, they don't have the natural instinct that their ancestors had to know that everything is connected and we are only experiencing the denser portion of a fluid and vibratory plane of fluctuations.

Side: True
1 point

On what proof do you base these allegations that go against common sense?

Side: L tardia mcdoofusberry
Narutochakra(49) Disputed
1 point

What does common sense even mean? Is that supposed to mean the sensibilities of the common man? Is what I am saying any harder to believe than the notion that empty space is actually a field that curves, rips, bends and stretches? Or that time is actually a dimension that you can move through forwards or back? All these notions are against "common sense", what about the idea that a subatomic particle can interact with another instantaneously at a distance or be in two places at once?

I have news for you buddy, not everything is as it seems. There is no up and down, there is only the illusion of such created by the fact that you are undergoing a dielectric pull from the earth I.e you are fooled by your center of " gravity"to think that it is down and away from it is up. You see light in colours but in reality the difference between color is wavelength, the color is only how your brain interprets different wavelengths.

So I suppose you still want proof? think about what a wave is, is a wave a thing or is it a perturbation in a medium? When ripples form on the surface of a pond is some object being emitted or is force simply being transmitted accrossed a medium( i.e the water) causing a perturbation?

Think of the universe as a great ocean, the ocean has waves and when it gets really terbulent vortexes can form, these can be big vortexes or very small ones, and the big ones are usually full of smaller ones...

The ocean is the aether feild, the waves are waves, and the vortexes are particles and constructs of "matter" like stars

Doesn't that make a lot more "common sense" than magic teleporting particles popping in and out of existence?

Side: True