
Debate Info

True Wait..., What? No!
Debate Score:307
Total Votes:332
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 True (137)
 Wait..., What? No! (117)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40130) pic

3 points

I support the view: who cares. Joe, I figured you'd have moved on to higher things by now. How very conservative of you.

Side: True

Hey you're back :D

I was bored so I figured I would stir up some trouble ;)

Side: True
1 point

Well not so much an itiot but I think its obvious hitler was of the nazi party wich was more conservative than liberal and he was a dictator...I studied WWII for 5 years as a hobby

Side: True

Well..., if you studied WWII for 5 years, then you would know that one of Hitler's liberal ideas was a nationalized health care system. Except it wasn't called Obama Care, it was called Hitler Care ;)

Side: True

Hitler was a liberal ; )

Side: True
TheAnarchy(41) Disputed
4 points

"Hitler was a liberal"

The belief in a "superior race" is a conservative ideal ;)

Side: Wait..., What? No!

Hitler was for nationalized health care, a liberal ideal. ; )

Side: True
MoonChild(2) Disputed
2 points

Hitler wasn't a liberal.

Hitler was a dictator who used the socialist party to get what he wanted. He was more to the "right".

The Hitler is a liberal myth is the reason that uninformed voters and people who are politically challenged give liberals a bad name.

Side: Wait..., What? No!
Lisajo(38) Disputed
2 points

Dictators do NOT lean "right". There is nothing conservative about a dictator, so your statment is contradictive, liberal's lean left, dictators lean left, they believe in absolute government control over choices and freedoms, they think that the people are not smart enough to make their own choices. You speak of uninformed voters, well you should read the book "liberal fascism" by Jonah Goldberg, it outlines in great detail the lie about Hitler leaning right. Then you too could be an informed voter.

Side: True
-1 points

Hitler was for nationalized health care, a liberal ideal. ; )

Side: True
1 point

most if not all the founding fathers were liberal....................................

Side: Wait..., What? No!
Lisajo(38) Disputed
3 points

Our founding fathers were not liberal...not in the sense of the term today, they were libertarian. They did not believe in big government, and believed in states rights, the liberals do not believe in states rights and fight for a centralized government. The progressives hijacked this term and morphed it into something the founding fathers would not recognize in the early 1900's to further their agenda.

Side: True
Stephy112(36) Disputed
1 point

kool u know him??.....dont bother asking y i even asked u that

Side: Wait..., What? No!
GenPaulus(96) Disputed
1 point

Hey retards liberals are basically communists who don't wanna be seen as such... btw hitler was not a liberal joecavalry he was a dictator you itiot!

Side: True

It is rather awkward when my satire is so advanced that someone who has only been here for 2 days actually believes that I'm an idiot ;-)

Side: Wait..., What? No!
8 points

Oh look, a straw man.

These aren't general liberal answers, but rather someone attempting to read between the lines and forming the depiction based on their own personal bias'.

This is no more accurate than the similarly themed video that pitted a liberal against a tea party member and made the tea partier look like a blithering idiot.

All political ideologies have people like this. No group has the monopoly on either idiocy or rationality.

Side: Wait..., What? No!
6 points

I wish whoever made those videos just posted the transcripts instead of running them through some stupid text-to-speech program. I quit watching around 1 minute into the 12 minute video, bored by the unanimated animations and slow monotonous speaking >.<

Though I doubt I'd be interested in reading them anyway... the conversation is so artificial that even conservatives will find it a ridiculous misrepresentation of liberal arguments if they think about it.

Side: Wait..., What? No!