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Saurbaby(5502) pic

Thoughts on Disney sneaking this into their newest (and pretty amazing) movie; F

Oaken's gay family

Hey, did you notice the gay character? I didn't either, until I went to see the film a second time. It turns out that giant man in "Wandering Oaken's Trading Post and Sauna" is probably gay. When he throws in the sauna package for Kristoff, he turns to say "Hello, family!" and BAM! there they are.



The adult in the sauna is clearly implied to be his husband. Best yet, Oaken and his partner have a family — and it's not even a thing. In the few minutes that he's on screen, Disney manages to make a compelling character of Oaken. He is friendly to his customers and generous with his assistance. He's a savvy businessman who understands economics (supply and demand, Kristoff), and he isn't afraid to stand up for himself when Kristoff calls him a crook.




This is a part from an article, just the part I wanted to discuss.

Here's the whole article

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Interesting... do any of you guys remember this song from The Hunchback of Notre Dame? The guy is basically singing about his lust for the gypsy woman.

Saurbaby(5502) Clarified
2 points

Basically? lol That one was a little more obvious I believe. Though you can't blame him, Esmeralda is pretty attractive. ;)

Gaytruth(38) Disputed Banned
1 point

Basically? lol That one was a little more obvious I believe. Though you can't blame him, Esmeralda is pretty attractive. ;)

Do you think it was messed up?

Gaytruth(38) Disputed Banned
1 point

Interesting... do any of you guys remember this song from The Hunchback of Notre Dame? The guy is basically singing about his lust for the gypsy woman.

That's messed up....

1 point

I also find it funny that his conflict is not with the fact that he is clearly sinning, it's with the fact that he wants her to be blamed for the sin, or for her to be his and then he'd be okay with it.

He represents catholic hypocrisy.

I also noticed that the whole song is him blaming others. It's not my fault, the devil is so powerful. It's not my fault, Esmeralda's so sexy.

2 points

i thought it was a lady with a bun. but you're right. if you look closely. :D

i love the movie too btw. :D

2 points

Exactly why I love Disney.

1 point

That's pretty funny. A few days ago I was listening to the song "Do you want to build a snowman" back to back. Then seemingly out of the blue I thought:

"Disney should make a gay or lesbian prince(ess)"

Now I'm seeing this post that they've already come pretty close.

Now my thoughts that are more relevant is that if it's true that he's gay, then way to go Disney. Raise that awareness. We do need to teach our youth that their is nothing wrong with homosexuality, before their parent's instill in them the hate they've harbored for maybe ten generations.

Saurbaby(5502) Clarified
1 point

Have you heard about the discussion that Elsa's powers are similar to someone who is coming out? It's been argued that she feels she needs to hide her powers like someone who is gay, and when she finally accepts her gifts she "comes out" and is free.

Part of me feels people are looking too far into a Disney movie, but another part of me is all about making it about that. And proud of Disney if it's true.

DrawFour(2662) Clarified
1 point

Well I hadn't seen the movie yet, but that sounds awesome. Though just like you, I am skeptical that people are reaching. If it was trying to symbolize anything, it could just be symbolizing not hiding who you really are (referring to your sexual orientation, or just your life goals). Just like you as well though, I'm optimistic, and hopeful that people see it that way.

Gaytruth(38) Disputed Banned
1 point

Now my thoughts that are more relevant is that if it's true that he's gay, then way to go Disney. Raise that awareness. We do need to teach our youth that their is nothing wrong with homosexuality, before their parent's instill in them the hate they've harbored for maybe ten generations.

How is nothing wrong?

Gaytruth(38) Banned
1 point

Disney in my opinion should apologize and whoever put that in should resign!

Gaytruth(38) Banned
0 points

This is disgusting on so many levels...............................................

Gaytruth(38) Banned
-1 points

Disney perverting morals again............................................................

Gaytruth(38) Banned
1 point

Would someone care to know why I got downvoted for no apparent reason?

Saurbaby(5502) Clarified
1 point

Perhaps because you said that homosexuality is perverted. And not everyone agrees with you.

Saurbaby(5502) Clarified
1 point

Not to mention you've also downvoted without much of an explanation.