
Debate Info

Russian Liberal Trump Spy Trump from USSR
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 Russian Liberal Trump (1)
 Spy Trump from USSR (1)

Debate Creator

ObamasGoblin(93) pic

Trump is a liberal who is working for the Russians

Obama and the Clinton's sent Trump to take down America.

Russian Liberal Trump

Side Score: 1

Spy Trump from USSR

Side Score: 1
1 point

He is a profusion of confusion.

Using his ringcraft he regularly;- changes style and stance, then knocks his adversaries on their pants.

Side: Russian Liberal Trump
1 point

Trump WAS a liberal. He also wanted gun regulation and was pro-choice. You just can't trust the man ... and I use the term VERY loosely!

Working with the Russians makes him even less trustworthy. Sure glad he isn't still a liberal! He left and we didn't even have to throw him out ... just like those old southern democrats. Somehow scumbags don't feel welcome with respectable liberals that want the best for America. They attach themselves to a party where they'll be appreciated. ;-)

Side: Spy Trump from USSR