
Debate Info

Nahh MAGA all the way, baby
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:7
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 Nahh (4)
 MAGA all the way, baby (2)

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excon(18261) pic

Trump is calling out his mob again.. You goin??


Side Score: 4

MAGA all the way, baby

Side Score: 3
1 point

Only a nimby white liberal thinks running people out of restaurants, dumping drinks on them, taking over city blocks with guns and looting stores and setting fires is fine while saying the words, "I don't think the people will stand for it" is violence. What are you 12?

Side: Nahh

I'm still stressed from Trump supporters storming Michigan building let alone the capital of the United States.

Side: Nahh
UisntShit(15) Disputed
1 point

I'm still stressed from Trump supporters storming Michigan building let alone the capital of the United States.

You are a weak, emotionally sensitive little bitch who sits online crying about politics instead of trying to win at life. You are a loser and deserve to be destroyed.

Side: MAGA all the way, baby
1 point

As today's government has created a political vacuum through its unwillingness to tackle the leftist's activities of violence against our fellow citizens and the wanton destruction of public and private property many see the answer to this lack of control as being support for a strong leader who is dedicated to the restoration of LAW & ORDER.

The weakness/stupidity of left-wing/woke appeasement tactics has led to a serious breakdown, and in some cities such as Chicago & Detroit, a total collapse of law and order along with the establishment and acceptance of anarchy.

We need deliverance from this administration's insanity and Donald Trump is the best person to lead the Vanguard for the forthcoming inevitable MAGA fight-back.


Side: MAGA all the way, baby
1 point

By violence you mean the violence incited by Trump and caused by his supporters at capital hill? Considering Trump was the one who agitated them, I doubt this was a good choice.

Or, do you mean the liberals Trump provoked over and over again. Trump was the one who used offensive language that lead to anti-Asian hate crime.

Or how about Trump adding fuel to the fire of the George Floyd riots?

"President Donald Trump added fuel to racial fires Friday"

Trump spreads chaos and will only make matters worse.

Side: Nahh