
Debate Info

For Against
Debate Score:70
Total Votes:76
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 For (7)
 Against (19)

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karimcsf(49) pic

U.S aid to Israel For or Against??

Israel has been the largest annual recipient of direct U.S. economic and military assistance since 1976 and the largest total recipient since World War ll. Total direct U.S. aid to Israel amounts to well over $140 billion in 2003 dollars. Israel receives about $3 billion in direct foreign assistance each year, which is roughly one-fifth of America's entire foreign aid budget.


Side Score: 12


Side Score: 58

For it because its one of the holy places.

Side: For
casper3912(1556) Disputed
1 point

So, could you elaborate?

Side: Against
1 point

I don't have to the sentence speaks for it self.

Side: Against
1 point

Jesus was from Israel and He was a Jew. Jesus will return to Israel. God says those who curse Israel will be cursed and those who bless Isreal will be blessed.

Just do whats right. Support Israel.

Funny when I came to this site it said, noone posted in support of Israel.

Now after I post my support, I see all the hidden supporters. The score is also incorrect the support Israel is higher. If they have to lie on a little bitty website like this the enemies of Israel are pretty desparate and dishonest. imo

Side: For
1 point

It's the only democratic country in that area ...

Side: For
0 points

Yes I am for it! Israel is the only sane state in the middle east, they deserve the aid.

Side: For
Hellno(17724) Disputed
1 point

Did I say that? Or was I hacked 829 days ago? No aid for anyone!

Side: Against
2 points

Ya i totally agree with this, i mean how else are the gonna commit atrocities like what happened in Gaza if they don't have an infinite supply of tomahawk missile and apache helicopters to rain destruction on innocent civilians.

Why not ask your the question why the whole world is against the blockade of Gaza but america blocks them from doing anything about it, why the whole world (the UN) every year votes to resolve the conflict along the lines of the 1967 (as any land accquired by war is illegal under international law) borders but america and isreal vote against it. Why do you think this is?Why do you think Isreal refused to settle the conflict even though Fatah were willing to give away huge amounts all of the land the palestinians are legally entitled to under international law (recent palestian papaers revelations). Why do you think that is? Why do they continue to build settlements illegally? Why does washington support this? Why is the inhuman treatment of the palestian population allowed to continue?

Why are palestian Hamas rightfully called terrorists for suicide bombings and launching rockets but when Isreal kills 1200 civilians (400 children) in cold blood like in Gaza and drops white phosphurous (which is illegal as it sticks to your skin like glue and burns at over 600 degrees C which burns the down to the bone) on civilians huddled in fear, then we are told Isreal was only protecting itself?

Or when they indiscriminately murder palestians, or when the invade a humanitarian aid flotilla trying to break an illegal blockade in the dead of night and murder 10 people, how come they are never called terrorists?

Ask yourself if any of this makes even a shred of sense?

Side: Against
justdowhats(2) Disputed
1 point

The reason is because Israel has a right to their land so we support them. Muslims are known for being dishonest, violent and haters of women. If you are intelligent, and informed, why can't you spell Israel correctly?

Side: For
2 points

Stop helping everyone and get out own shit in order.

Side: Against
2 points

Marry me? JK, I completely agree. :)

Side: Against
1 point

America needs to take care of herself first, THEN worry about other stuff.

Side: Against
1 point

Israeli's are bastards- Invading Palestine and pretending they're doing nothing wrong.

Side: Against

All foreign aid should cease. America has too many problems right here that should be tended with.

Side: Against