
Debate Info

Yes. ;) No. :'(
Debate Score:28
Total Votes:33
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 Yes. ;) (16)
 No. :'( (7)

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Sitara(11075) pic

Unholy of holies: would you enter the Vatican as a nonchristian? ;)

I so would. ;)

Yes. ;)

Side Score: 20

No. :'(

Side Score: 8
3 points

Yeah sure, maybe to see the artwork or to nick some goodies from the Vatican archives.

Side: Yes. ;)
1 point

You rock. .

Side: Yes. ;)
Blackwidow(1) Disputed Banned
1 point

nice that you stole someone elses question. kinda bitchy don't you think?

Side: No. :'(
2 points

I would take a (Omnesiah edit: big, steamy, hefty) shit on the alter :) .

Side: Yes. ;)
Sitara(11075) Clarified
1 point

I would rather pee on it. ;)

Side: Yes. ;)

I already did. I like the architecture, its so nice over there that for a moment I wanted to becoma a Pope

Side: Yes. ;)

So you could rule over millions of sheep-like morons who will bend to your every whim as you live in the greatest of luxury?

Side: Yes. ;)

Rodrigo Borgia is my idol ;)

Side: Yes. ;)
1 point

I love history no matter if it is religion, I like to learn as much as I can about pretty much anything so hell yeah, I would love a tour, though I can't promise I won't wonder off and try to expose there lies but yeah sign me up : )

Side: Yes. ;)

Yes. I would walk in sit. Stare at the walls and start asking questions that christians have difficulty answering. I would probrably get kicked out.

Side: Yes. ;)
1 point

Been there done that. It's not like I have got anything to lose anyway; I am already condemned to eternal hellfire.

Side: Yes. ;)
Sitara(11075) Disputed
1 point

You are not Satan. You need to seek psychiatric treatment for your delusions, and I mean this in a nice way.

Side: No. :'(

What about Creatard entering NASA ? :D :D

Side: Yes. ;)

To burn it to the ground, sure.

The minimum length for an argument is 50 characters. The purpose of this restriction is to cut down on the amount of dumb jokes, so we can keep the quality of debate and discourse as high as possible.

Side: Yes. ;)
Sitara(11075) Clarified
1 point

While I loathe the Catholic Church, such an act would put you on their level. You are too smart for that and you know. Like Obama said, "yes we can". Yes we can stop hating. It aint easy, but it is so worth it, oh my God, my life is always better when I do not hate. You wanna try it?

Side: Yes. ;)
1 point

No. I was raised Roman Catholic, though. I believe that "holy" or "sacred" places should be kept as such. Mecca is closed off to non-believers, so should the Vatican.

Side: No. :'(
0 points

Okay, so you dont mind if we non-believers take back all of our medicine, education, science, ect from you all right?

Side: No. :'(
1 point

Actually a lot of the foundations form science was created by believers.

Side: Yes. ;)
Banana_Slug(845) Disputed
0 points

Where exactly in bible is anything about Rome town called Vatican?...

Side: Yes. ;)

I am afraid I may spontaneously combust ;)

Side: No. :'(
1 point

Me too. ;)

Side: No. :'(

I think there is nothing wrong with a non-Christian entering the Vatican.

Side: No. :'(