
Debate Info

Penis / Vagina action. Any form of sex.
Debate Score:99
Total Votes:106
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 Penis / Vagina action. (25)
 Any form of sex. (25)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40130) pic

We are asking the CD community to please help us settle this argument.

When you use the word, "intercourse" do you mean a penis penetrating a vagina or do you mean any form of sex?

Do you use the word intercourse instead of oral sex (felatio)?

Do you use the word intercourse instead of anal sex (sodomy)?

Do you use the word intercourse instead of a hand job?

Do you use the word intercourse instead of masturbation? 

Penis / Vagina action.

Side Score: 58

Any form of sex.

Side Score: 41
5 points

I think the dictionaries have it about right. It can apply to the other acts... but it especially applies to coitus.

Side: Penis / Vagina action.

I'm on this side of the debate. Zephyr20X6 is on the other side of the debate.

Side: Penis / Vagina action.
4 points

I would say this side.... now when Bubba said he "didn't have sex with that lady"... he was lying because oral sex is sex... but I wouldn't say he had intercourse with her.... but I guess it depends on want your definition of is is??? or something??? Hell! I don't know. Don't ask me.

Side: Penis / Vagina action.
3 points

Lol, I'm all for vaginal action every day of the week.

Side: Penis / Vagina action.

Traditionally, sexual intercourse has always referred to penis vagina action.

Side: Penis / Vagina action.
2 points

"Sexual Intercourse" means specifically coitus, or vaginal penetration

"Oral intercourse" means specifically oral penetration


"Anal intercourse" means specifically anal penetration

"Intercourse" in general has a broad meaning, more akin to "penetration" than simply "genital contact," IMO (you can't really have hand penetration sex).

However, I personally would more readily refer to "sexual intercourse" than any other form when using the term "intercourse" alone.

Side: Penis / Vagina action.
Quocalimar(6470) Disputed
2 points

"Sexual Intercourse" means specifically coitus, or vaginal penetration

Not based off of this definition.

any physical contact between two individuals involving stimulation of the genital organs of at least one.*

So this proves that definitions are not a sound judge of human activity, only humans are. If humans see their actions as sex, then it is sex.

Side: Any form of sex.
unownmew(160) Disputed
2 points

I'm more inclined to take a medical dictionary's word relating to anatomical matters than a general purpose use dictionary. It is a higher authority.

Sexual Intercourse

The act in which the external male reproductive organ—penis—enters the external/accessible female reproductive tract—vagina

Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.

From the same link as yours.

Legal Dictionaries and Medical Dictionaries are the proper sources to consult when it comes to disputing word definitions. The layman's language gets bastardized far to quickly and far too often to be of any actual use in understanding others.

Side: Penis / Vagina action.

When I think of sexual intercourse I think of a penis entering a vagina. However I still would classify all other types as sex, except masturbation.

Side: Penis / Vagina action.
5 points

This morning my mouth had intercourse with a bowl of cereal.

Side: Any form of sex.
Chuz-Life(497) Clarified
6 points

I was masticating as I read this!

Side: Penis / Vagina action.
Cuaroc(8829) Clarified
4 points

well 15 year old trolls can't do much more besides that anyways.

Side: Penis / Vagina action.
lupusFati(790) Clarified
4 points

What was the bowl wearing? Details, details, so yeah, bluh bluh bluh.

Side: Penis / Vagina action.
TeenPassion(281) Disputed
4 points

That's mastication .

Side: Penis / Vagina action.
4 points

Can you tell me what this means.

Side: Penis / Vagina action.

That's not sex. But thanks for playing ;)

Side: Any form of sex.
Akulakhan(2984) Disputed
4 points

You didn't say it had to be sex. Just as all rectangles are not squares but all squares are rectangles.

Side: Penis / Vagina action.
3 points

Felt like it.

Side: Any form of sex.

It's quite funny I just did the same thing right now. This debate is definitely better formed for the issue though so congrats on that.

Side: Any form of sex.
1 point

Are you done with these debates? Stick with one. It's getting annoying to read them all.

Side: Any form of sex.
2 points

one was by me, the other was by him, that is why there is two. .

Side: Any form of sex.
lupusFati(790) Clarified
4 points

Oh I figured that out a bit too late. I'm just too lazy to edit it.

Side: Penis / Vagina action.

physical sexual contact between individuals that involves the genitalia of at least one person

I think this settles my opinion on the other debate too. One penis and any other organ counts, one vagina and any other organ counts.

Supporting Evidence: Meriam Webster (
Side: Any form of sex.

We try to go for "regular intercourse" but then sometimes, you forget to buy condoms...

Side: Any form of sex.