
Debate Info

They're a bunch of idiots. They see the light!
Debate Score:11
Total Votes:11
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 They're a bunch of idiots. (4)
 They see the light! (4)

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TERMINATOR(6781) pic

What do you think about conpiracy theorists?

They're a bunch of idiots.

Side Score: 6

They see the light!

Side Score: 5
3 points

It's usually something that's fun to believe.

Like "oooo what if the government has a UFO". People see a special on tv and get sucked in.

Side: They're a bunch of idiots.

The purpose of the debate is this:

I have long read things about conspiracy theorists (in my opinion) 'twisting' the facts. Take the murder of JonBenet Ramsey, her parents were assumed to be guilty the entire investigation. Why?

Because there were no footprints in the snow (Conspiracy theorist - it had snowed that morning)

Her parents didn't hear her (Consp. - They had thick carpet and lived one floor above her, also, her father had taken sleeping pills)

* There was no sign of forced entry (consp. - There was an open window in the basement where she was found.

After reading that, I must say that I agree with the conspiracy that the police paid to much attention to the parents. I do not believe that the parents did it. Same with the so-called Satanic ritual abuse, a craze throughout America of parents thinking that their preschooler was being abused by his teachers. Nobody was safe. Some people spent up to twenty years in prison because of some stupid 'child psychologist' saying that the children had 'repressed memories'. These are conspiracy theories which I believe (I do not consider myself a conspiracy theorist).

The following link will give you the examples at which I get a good laugh, and it is for that reason that I chose my viewpoint.

Supporting Evidence: Conspiracy Theories from TruTv (
Side: They're a bunch of idiots.
1 point

Once you breach Occam's razor, it's difficult to lend credibility

Side: They're a bunch of idiots.
2 points

Conspiracy is a tricky word, I'm still not sure which side I'm on given your question, but I'll choose for it. You can't group them all together, some have merits, others don't. For example, I believe in aliens, but not bigfoot. I believe that today's presidents are in power because they're playing ball for black suits, but I don't believe that "shape-shifters" are involved. I consider myself (by the layman's definition) a conspiracy theorist and guess what, I'm intelligent, discerning, constantly questioning, debunking, all in the name of finding truth. Please restate your debate, or at least clarify your terminology :)

Side: They see the light!
1 point

Thank you! That's pretty much what I was about to say, but I thought I'd see if someone else said it first. Haha. Not all conspiracies are created equal!!

Side: They see the light!
jessald(1915) Disputed
1 point

If a theory is rational than it's not a conspiracy theory, it's just a theory. Conspiracy theories are like regular theories only twisted by irrational paranoia and bias against authorities. There's a fine line, but with some things, like the people who say the moon landing was fake, it's easy to tell the difference.

Side: They're a bunch of idiots.

In a world such as ours, Conspiracy Theorists provide entertainment ;)

Side: They see the light!
1 point


Are they conspiricies or arent they?

That is the question!

Side: They see the light!