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 What if bible prophecy started becoming true in 2012? (15)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

What if bible prophecy started becoming true in 2012?

Would you welcome it?  You might be afraid and prefer some other generation to go through the trials and tribulations.  But aren't you even a little bit curious?  Wouldn't you want to be part of history (Yeah, I was there when the big cheese lost it and took everyone out).  Isn't life boring?  Wouldn't you want some excitement and drama ;)

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3 points

The only ones that'll make that crap come true are religious people who want it to be true. You'll see several people disguised as Jesus doing psychotic stuff. And uh... really, I have no idea what the prophecies are suppose to be. But I actually don't care... because it comes from the bible. :-) There are better things to do.

2 points

Well the other ways these crazy religious people make it seem like the prophecies are true is by bending the truth. They look at the prophesies and let's say one was of a giant eagle doing something to the world. They say "The eagle is clearly America" and bend the prophesy like that.

1 point

Ahh, I see. So they take a symbolized word and plug it into meaning something when it could be anything, or even just, literal, period. Aka, an eagle is an eagle, the end. But 'eh. Have you seen The Mist? There's this crazyass religious lady in it who is the perfect example of religious people gone nuts and taking words of the bible and totally twisting their meanings to support their psycho state of mind. It's effing creepy stuff when you come across people like that and then creepier when you see a huge group of people actually believe and start follow that person's actions.

Ledfoot(135) Disputed
2 points

Well If you have better things to do, and dont care about the bible prophecy than you dont need to post anything on here. The Question is what if...And you responded with: "I'm Atheist, So I dont care and it wont happen because I am atheist" So please, leave this discussion to the people who DO care. Hope I didn't come off like a jerk though. No hard feelings? haha

1 point


you don't have to wait for 2012, come to downtown lv or the strip during any busy weekend and you'll find the dude dressed as Jesus, complete with real life-size wooden cross, dragging it around and telling everyone they're going to hell.

Side: I'm all for the rapture

I'm getting too old for such excitement but I still would hate to miss the fire works ;)

Side: I'm all for the rapture

Would you welcome it?


You might be afraid and prefer some other generation to go through the trials and tribulations.

Anyone who's "going through it" is supposedly going to Hell. So: yes, yes I would prefer some other generation go through it. Rapture me away, oh Brahman! I mean god. Jeebus...

But aren't you even a little bit curious?

Not really. I don't see the moon turning red and stars falling out of the sky or Jesus coming at me with a sickle and fire in his mouth, white eyes and white hair anything more than childish fantasy.

Wouldn't you want to be part of history (Yeah, I was there when the big cheese lost it and took everyone out).

We're all already a part of history.

Isn't life boring?

You honestly need to get out more if you think that violence is excitement or entertainment. Go to Somalia.

Wouldn't you want some excitement and drama ;)

I come from a country where we tie people up and burn them alive, string them up in public lynchings, stone people to death, decapitate people for going down the wrong street.

No. It's note excitement or drama. It's just obscenity.



Side: I'm all for the rapture

If it just started in 2012 how would we know it was actually happening? Is the grim reaper coming to take large segments of the population to hell? If so, we can try to stay ahead of him if we can all guess the direction he's traveling! MISSION: Impossible!

Side: How would we actually know
TechFreak(88) Disputed
1 point

It's called Revelations. It's in the back of the Bible and outlines the sign of end of the world. Check it out some time.

Side: How would we actually know
1 point

Well, from everything I've observed any type of prophecy is bs. But I would love if the rapture were true, I mean how awsome would the world be if every born again suddenly dissappeared? I wouldn't have to listen to that lame Baldwin dude, I wouldn't have to worry about stuff being sensored for 0 reason, hardline Conservatives would have no one to vote for them, Palin would stay out of late night entertainment, the list goes on and on.

Side: I'm all for the rapture

Lol. I hope I'm one of the ones up there looking down and snickering at those who stayed behind and thinking, "Who's laughing now" ;)

Side: I'm all for the rapture
1 point


1. I'd miss maybe 5% of your debates, all the same I'd miss them.

2. I'm not too worried you're going anywhere, even if there were to be a rapture... ;)

Side: I'm all for the rapture