
Debate Info

Practice Theory
Debate Score:20
Total Votes:20
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 Practice (10)
 Theory (3)

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What is better for education? Practice or Theory?


         "In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is."

                                                                     -- Yogi Berra


Side Score: 16


Side Score: 4
2 points

I think Practical is better. Though it still depends on what your subjects are. If your a student of Literature, you can't expect too much of a practicality. Though Engineering and stuff maybe the right streams for practicals.

Side: Practice
2 points

Well practice...a theory doesn't matter if you don't practice it.

Side: Practice
zurarasylhan(8) Disputed
2 points

I agree with u , but don't u think that others who FOR theory can say exactly the same, but visa versa ?

Side: Theory

That was my first thought actually.

I can't honestly say that one is better than the other.


I think it just depends on how you prefer to learn.

In school I hardly went by the book. I would always come up with my own theories for solving problems, rather than practicing what I was told to.

It worked for me.

Side: Theory
2 points

Theory its for loosers, jews and Kenny. Person like me use only practice.

Side: Practice
2 points

Certainly practice must be better because you "practice" theory. Also, practice helps you develop long term memory for the item you are practicing. Personally, I see this with my children when they do homework. They may get the theory from the teacher, but they get the ability to do it themselves from the homework!

Side: Practice
1 point

Has anyone done anything by the book or instructions? Learn only in practice.

Side: Practice
1 point

I think that practice is better. You can forget theory after a few years but practice is more important.

Side: Practice
1 point

To my mind practice is much more important than theory. I personally enjoy to learn something new practically first and then come back to the theory. Thus, later when reading some theoretical information it is much more understandable and doesn't seem to look so abstract. For istance when you learn how to drive a car it is way better to have a practical tutorial session first in order to get familiar with the car structure and then take up your theoretical material. Otherwise, having read highway code and all the books concerning car driving, you may anyway feel unconfident and have much doubts on how to start your engine.

Side: Practice

I will say practice. Practice makes perfect. If you want to excel at something, it is going to take practice.

Side: Practice
1 point

elaborate on what you mean by: "theory," and "practice." I want a better understanding before entering my two cents.

Side: Theory
zurarasylhan(8) Disputed
2 points

please use vocabulary before jumping to debate, but special for u :)

Theory is a contemplative and rational type of abstract or generalizing thinking, or the results of such thinking.

Practice is a repetition of an activity to improve skill.

Side: Practice
Kite626(714) Clarified
1 point

I know the connotation definitive of "theory," and practice." I'm asking you for an example on the two through the education system. I want your denotation definitive.

Side: Practice