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RSS Alexey

Reward Points:6
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6 most recent arguments.
1 point

To my mind practice is much more important than theory. I personally enjoy to learn something new practically first and then come back to the theory. Thus, later when reading some theoretical information it is much more understandable and doesn't seem to look so abstract. For istance when you learn how to drive a car it is way better to have a practical tutorial session first in order to get familiar with the car structure and then take up your theoretical material. Otherwise, having read highway code and all the books concerning car driving, you may anyway feel unconfident and have much doubts on how to start your engine.

1 point

You are quite right that in some cases social networking can be a bad thing. Of course there are people and youth who waste their time because of that. However, unlike smoking or drinking, social networking has lots of advantages and can be very useful in many ways. It is not the case when no matter how you use it, it only leads to harmful advantages. That's why I would say that social networking cannot be judged as a bed thing.

1 point

I also want to add that if you are a confident sociable person and you can easily interract with other people in real life, social networking will not be able to change your nature and make you become seclude timid person at any times.

1 point

If you didn't have social networking facilities you wouldn't be able to spend your time here sharing your ideas and thoughts concerning various themes. You wouldn't be able to contact people around the world, practise your critical abilities, improve your skills in disputes and you wouldn't be able to get debate experience as easily as you are able to do that with the use of social networks!

1 point

I agree that use of social networks can make people lazy, less communicative and sociable and even reflect on their health as it was mentioned earlier. However, when used properly it provides people with lots of advantageous opportunities such as meeting new people, finding a job, promoting your business and even overcoming your timidity.

I dare say that all the problems concerning SN depend on how person decides to use networking facilities.

According to rose2184 social networks can be blamed for growth of number of obese people. Even though I do believe that in many cases obesity is caused by lack of physical activity I totally disagre that there is any correlation between obesity problems and social networking. If you take a look at top 10 obesed countries

and top ten most engaged countries for social networking

you may find out that top three countries using SN are not even included in the list of top ten obesed countries of the world which disproves mentioned idea.

1 point

I believe using animals for research is unwise. There is a lot of evidence proving that so-called in vivo testing do not provide effective results for better understanding human biology. More and more scientists now agree that animals do not suffer from human diseases.

For instance in 2006, the Diabetes Research Institute announced that after over thirty years of experiments on mice and rats, researchers discovered that the internal structure and function of the human pancreatic islet cell, which is central to the development of diabetes, are dramatically different from that in the "well-studied rodent".

And as one of the researchers stated:

We can no longer rely on studies on mice and rats. It is now imperative that we focus on human islets. At the end of the day, it is the only way to understand how they function.

Source: b3813856.html b3676678.html

Thus, it seems to me that we should stop exploiting animals and start looking for better ways to understand human disease outcomes.

As an alternative to in vivo testing we may apply in vitro cell culture techniques and in silico computer simulation.

For more information about alternatives to animal testing visit toanimal_testing

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Biographical Information
Name: Alexey 
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Republican
Country: Kazakhstan

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