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 What is something you absolutely cannot live without ? (14)

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tonicole(854) pic

What is something you absolutely cannot live without ?

a person, some thing materialistic, etc.
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4 points

i can't live with out music and everything that comes with it. i can't go a day without pulling out my ipod or dancing or singing. it helps me express myself and aids my mood at any given time.

Side: Music
3 points

I can not survive without air and a working vessel to play as host to my soul and mind. ^_^

Side: Air and a Workin Vessel

Smart ass, you made me laugh! ;) How about food or water?

Side: sex
1 point

Well isn't that why G-d invented parents? So that they can provide all that for us? ;)

Side: Air and a Workin Vessel

I cannot live without air, love, food, laughter, money and knowledge.

Side: The Usual Suspects
altarion(1955) Disputed
1 point

Hasn't knowledge led to very devistating things that will inevitably bring about the end of this planet?

End of Ze World
Side: The Usual Suspects
2 points

Lip gloss, I am an addict!

Side: The Usual Suspects
4 points

you're not the only one. (X

Side: The Usual Suspects
2 points

Chocolate, white, dark or milk does not matter!

Side: The Usual Suspects
2 points

Other than air and water, I'd say Books!

Of course, that presumes I still have vision, light, comprehension, literacy, and so forth.

Side: Books
2 points

Viedo gmaes. Best cure for the disease called boredom

Side: Mario rocks
4 points

yupp ! haha i'm pretty sure that boredom cannot be completely cured tho. c[:

Side: Mario rocks
2 points

i can't live without family. we always have each other's back. (: <3

Side: Mario rocks
1 point

Food, water, air, shelter, means by which to pursue happiness. All of those, I think, are a given.

Ah, it's hard to say... realistically, I think that's it. Maybe a healthy body. If it's something of a preference then I suppose it would have to be caffeine.

Side: Caffeine