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 What kind of humour do you enjoy? (7)

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johnbonham32(2429) pic

What kind of humour do you enjoy?

Slapstick? Subtle? Dry? Ironic? Sarcastic? Satiric? Physical? Insulting? Nice?

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OK, here's what I consider comedy. Given_free_abortion_and_today_s_technology_we_should_allow_incestous_sex#arg77021

Well, apparently this is too offensive and has been removed. So, my answer is, I enjoy offensive jokes ;)

Next time I hear a joke that makes me lol I'll come back here and tell it and then you can categorize it ;)

1 point

To be honest, most people enjoy satire, and/or degrading jokes of any kind..

There all funny to me, just depends.

1 point

The kind of humor that i most enjoy is, Toilet humor and sarcasm

1 point

They are all good but my favorites are "subtle" and "insulting".

A good example of subtle would be the first 2 or 3 seasons of 'The Office'. It's a sort of awkward realistic comedy that everyone can relate to.

And if you want "insulting" humor just watch 'Family Guy'.

Side: subtle

I laugh at anything. I have more reason to laugh, I have 1000 points in 24 days.

Side: subtle
1 point

o dear. . . um tbh all of it. but then again - some of it isn't as funny purely because of the comic

Side: subtle