
Debate Info

Lipstick Eyeshadow
Debate Score:19
Total Votes:19
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 Lipstick (6)
 Eyeshadow (9)

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Intangible(4934) pic

What should women wear less of...


Side Score: 7


Side Score: 12

You should have asked, "Of what should women wear less?"

Side: Lipstick
Atrag(5666) Disputed
1 point

No :/ "I wear clothes of shirt" doesn't not make sense so 'of what..? in a question doesn't make sense.

Side: Eyeshadow
1 point

So don't say "I wear clothes of shirt." Do you think "What should women wear less of?" is correct? Why would moving the preposition cause it to not make sense?

Side: Lipstick

What would be the difference?

Side: Lipstick

Not ending a sentence with a preposition. I'm just playing around though, I don't care about that rule.

Side: Lipstick
1 point

I hate when women wear bright red lipstick. Reminds me of a clown.

Side: Lipstick
1 point

Mmmm, nice cow gelatin on their lips... Delightful.

Side: Lipstick
3 points

Eyeshadow is worse than lipstick.... But overall fuck off with the whole makeup scenario. I don't wear it, i don't want you to fool me with your face art!

Side: Eyeshadow
2 points

Exactly! So you pack on all this makeup to make me think you're pretty, but when you take it off and I change my mind you get mad? Y U TRICK ME IN FIRST PLACE?

Side: Eyeshadow

That's the same way I feel about. It's like I am being deceived.

Side: Eyeshadow

This stuff makes them look creepy...

Side: Eyeshadow
1 point

i dont know a lot of women who wear lipstick any ways.. but too much eyeshadow makes you look like a clown.

Side: Eyeshadow
1 point

eye shadow makes women look like a bruised banana, they shouldnt wear it! when they cry it smears. Lip stick looks nice and can cover up ugly lips

Side: Eyeshadow

I hate it

Side: Eyeshadow
1 point

eye shadow makes women look more untidier and it always looks like they had been involved in a fight

Side: Eyeshadow