
Debate Info

Xbox 360, please PS3, of course
Debate Score:115
Total Votes:158
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 Xbox 360, please (16)
 PS3, of course (24)

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antvelazquez(8) pic

What system is better: Xbox 360 or PS3?

Personally, I like both.

Xbox 360, please

Side Score: 48

PS3, of course

Side Score: 67
8 points

Cell Architecture is very difficult to code for. No dedicated Graphics processor and installs on large games due to blue ray seek times. PS3 is a great blue ray player but looking at the game library and game ports so far the 360 is destroying the ps3 better exclusives and ports run faster and are more stable on the 360. Very rarely does a game look noticeably better. Plus Xbox live is far superior to Playstations online capability. never mind space limitations due to game installs. Sony made a lot of mistakes this time around. As they make tools to make programing on the cell processor easier we may see things get better. I own both and if I have a choice I always buy for 360 and have always been happy when I read about frustration on the sony side from lockup to game lags and lock ups. they me be development issues but the difficulty a system is to code for makes up for a lot. on top of the rest there are huge bottle necks in the core design when it comes to games. 360 wins hands down. I hope Sony learns from this in there next gen. going from #1 to #3 has to hurt.

Side: Xbox 360, please
liquidjin(20) Disputed
1 point

The PS3 is the better system by far. Blu-ray player, game machine, can run like a personal PC (with custom OS, keyboard, mouse, and internet browser), free online, 10 year commitment from it's manufacturers who are allied with all of the entertainment and electronic providers in the world, except for the creators of the XBOX and of course Nintendo.

The only area where the XBOX 360 is better is in its GPU chip, which is only slightly better than the RSX the PS3 has (OP get your facts straight). The reason this doesn't matter is because the architectures of the two systems are completely different. The PS3 is more than just a gaming machine it is designed to work like a super computer and thus scales with the technological advances that we can all expect in the next coming months and years. The 360 is a refinement of the current home gaming PC which allows it to be superior at making games that were already in production before the Cell chip was available to developers. However, because of its reliance on dated standards and proprietary hardware it's time is limited as the system of choice for developers.

Side: PS3, of course
BoatsnHoes(9) Disputed
1 point

Oh yeah you're a fag AND SPEAK ENGLISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: PS3, of course
JCat_007x(16) Disputed
2 points

Heres some English for you, SHUT THE HELL UP

dont be a douche. PS3 is better

Side: Xbox 360, please
6 points

My vote would have to go to the 360.

Purely in terms of hardware, the PS3 is superior. It's comparable in graphical power to the 360, but is much more reliable, and lacks the 360's noisy fan.

In terms of overall experience and variety of games, however, the 360 comes out ahead. The Xbox has a variety of excellent exclusive and semi-exclusive games. Games like Bioshock, Halo, Mass Effect, Gears of War, Viva Pinata, Forza, and Ninja Gaiden 2 have helped cement the 360's place as the dominant console.

The PS3, on the other hand, lacks any truly great current exclusives, and has few impressive future titles aside from Metal Gear Solid IV, Final Fantasy VIII and Gran Turismo. Many multi-platform developers also put more work into the 360's version than the PS3's; witness the buggy, slowdown-ridden PS3 adaptation of Orange Box, or Grand Theft Auto IV's exclusive downloadable content on the 360.

The Xbox 360 also has a vastly superior online system, which supports voice chat in all games and lets you easily contact and chat with friends who're playing something else, be it single-player or multi-player. The PS3 lacks a true online infrastructure, and forces developers to do it all on their own, making the online quality vary greatly from game to game.

Side: Xbox 360, please
liquidjin(20) Disputed
1 point

Variety of games is a stretch!!!

There really is no such thing as "console-exclusives" in this generation unless the console maker is the one making the game. There are only "timed-exclusives" which is the same thing as multi-platform for all gamers except for the hardcore 5% crowd. Bioshock is coming to the PS3 in time for the holidays and it's only a matter of time before Epic brings Gears of War and Ninja Gaiden 2 gets its PS3 treatment. Developers don't care what system they make a game for they want to reach as many gamers as they can.

And if you really want to compare the 1st party exclusives then the PS3 wins every time:

Halo 3 < R: FOM II + Killzone

Viva Pinata < Ratchet & Clank

Forza < Gran Turismo

As for XBOX Live vs. PSN, it's a matter of preference. The offerings on PSN are much more varied. Players can download whole AAA titles "Warhawk", "Tekken Dark Resurrection Online", "Gran Turismo" in addition to smaller titles. And giving the developers the ability to do what they want as opposed to forcing everyone to adhere to a standard has too many pros to ignore. It allows developers to specialize in what they are good in instead of making everything look and feel similar.

XBOX Live has no future MMOs. It has no way to share user-created content without forcing players to access a website (Little Big Planet, Unreal Tournament III, SingStar). And above all, the PS3 allows multiple people to access the PSN for the same price as one - FREE! On XBOX Live, any person in your household that wants to play has to pay $80 a year or use the same account.

Side: PS3, of course
hepcatkip(13) Disputed
4 points

As far as No future MMO's point goes you really should research a bit at what you are saying. Age of Conan is getting released for the Xbox 360 this year and champions online is suppose to have a 360 launch ant the same time as the pc version. and really Sony haven't had a good MMO in years so next year they will have the agency and free worlds. Both in Development by Sony Given Sonys track record with Bad MMO's I wouldn't hold my breath while both of 360's MMO's should be out first and so far are looking way better. and as far as Killzone 2 goes really they have shown videos of it since the ps3 launch. I wonder if it will release before duke nukem forever. Ps3 doesn't even have exclusive rpgs anymore since square jumped to 360. PS3 is a great Blue ray player and a weak Linux box with Ram limitations. and with the recent patch PSN has made some headway online but it's still not as good. as far as online content with the Netflix/360 deal Sony is still playing catch up. I will say this if you want t blueray player get a ps3 if you want a game system that has a great library of games and the better exclusive content. Go with 360. and as far a no such thing as console exclusives that is only really true on the ps3 side :P.

Side: Xbox 360, please
whammm10101(3) Disputed
-2 points
JCat_007x(16) Disputed
-1 points

Think about this, if the only thing 360 has on ps3 is games then it wont take long for Sony to wake up and start pushing games (which they have). Thats why ps3 is better.

And for XBL vs PSN, I actually prefer playing on psn because its so much quieter, and i could never understand why ANYONE would wanna talk to someone while they are playing another game?? Seems really stupid and pointless to me, if i really needed to disrupt them from there game id rather just text them. All the features that XBL has over PSN are just "extras" and could easily be missed. Talking with people over a gaming console is completely retarded IMO.

If you watched E3 2010 then you will know that there are so many games coming to ps3 with "exclusive" content only for ps3 for many games coming out later this year. Then theres the 1st party games like Killzone 3, Infamous 2, GT5 that i cant wait for.

Clearly u posted this a long time ago, but now days ps3 is WAYY better then 360.

Side: PS3, of course
Buddha(9) Disputed
1 point

I'm sorry, but it's not our fault u have no friends....

second of all, dude, get a life, ur arguing about games.. wat r u, 5?

Side: Xbox 360, please
3 points

360 is always going to be #1 forever ps3 is gay it has no good games it sucks large cocks that blu ray shit looks the same as a regular dvd to me i see no difference look at all the 360 exclusives like too human, saints row, gears of war, gears of war 2, and bio shock witch was game of the year and ps3 goes up to 80gb 360 goes up to 120gb now witch one do u think is better

Side: Worse with Islamofacists
4 points

you are absoulutly right

Side: Xbox 360, please
BoatsnHoes(9) Disputed
2 points

Playstation beats xbox in units sold ps2 sold over 100,000,000 units way more than xbox xbox even overall never beat playstation playstation ontinues to defend its title you dumb fag,ps3 canhave up to a 500gb drive retard

Side: PS3, of course
JCat_007x(16) Disputed
2 points

"360 goes up to 120gb now witch one do u think is better"

Ummmmmm PS3 because for $50 you can go up to 500GB HDD..

So PS3 IS better, duh.

Side: PS3, of course
james334(2) Disputed
1 point

your xbox can kiss my ass the ps3 is free for game playing onilen u dick head u can eat your fucking xbox 360 and shovet up your ass

Side: PS3, of course
3 points

i own both. blue ray is awesome and thats what my ps3 is. i only have it for that and god of war. any game that comes out for both systems is and always will be better on the rings and paying for xbox live is better than having nothing. i go on playstation network for 30 seconds and ive seen it all. it sucks. anyone who argues against this has no experience with xbox or they would know better.if ps3 was better in any way i would be the first to admit it. and btw bluetooth sucks and was a stupid idea. i need special adapters for my logitech to work and i friends with an octopus of adapters hangin out of theres to play rockband. who needs a controller to work 70ft away through a friggin wall.

Side: Xbox 360, please
2 points

360 has a bigger and better game libary. downloadable content for games like MW2 come out earlier on the 360 you can stream movie and music or any kind of media directly through the internet more games are avaliable to have your own music playable so it alot of little things. plus 360's cheper evr the redesign which has no RED RING and is super quiet

so yeah

Side: Xbox 360, please
2 points

I hate playstation!!! it sucks

Side: Xbox 360, please
1 point
Side: Xbox 360, please
UMegaButt101(1) Disputed
2 points

ur wrong both systems have the same graphics as the ps3 second ps3 is not built for just gamin online with your buddies its also built for other reasons like enternet access does 360 have tht nooo!!!!!! all right then does 360 have free online uhm i dnt think so 360 i have had this system for a while and i have been ready to get my ps3 to me 360 is a waste of time if 360 so great why did it break down on me 2 time first came out 500 dollars broke down waste of money second time it was 400 broke down again hmmm wonder y rrod so far i spent 900 dollars on the system not including the games i spent like 200 on them so thts 1100 so far then i bought my third one using now uhmmm thts 1300 plus the accessories and more games tht came out later in the year another 250 dollars so in all i spent 1550 dollars on a 360 surprise surprise !?!?!?

Side: PS3, of course
Wakaman(2) Disputed
1 point

First yes it does have enternet access,second the reason it broke on you is because your dumb butt didn't take care of it. I've had mine since it came out and it still works fine,and do you know why,I TAKE CARE IF IT.

Side: Xbox 360, please
1 point




xxxx 360000000000000000000000000000000000

Side: Xbox 360, please
5 points

I like the PlayStation 3's controls better. I also love Playstation Home, its a great communication tool and a good time-killer.

Side: PS3, of course
5 points

ps3 owns xbox, and now that they are the same price, everyone will get ps3's. Plus, there are 35 times more hackers on xbox than on ps3.

Side: PS3, of course
4 points

PS3 is better because of a number of reasons.

-FREE online, plus the OPTION of getting Plastation Plus for the same price as XBL. Plus allows you to do a bunch of stuff like get game demos earlier then others, get discounts off psn games or anything you get off of PSN, and u set ur ps3 up to automatically download game updates. And you get FREE PSN games every 30 days. (all this is still new and isnt out yet as im writing this so some stuff may change)

-Blu-Ray... I dont even have to explain that, anyone who knows anything about life should know that its better not only for graphics but for storage.

-Games, yes games. I like the exclusive ps3 games better then the exclusive 360 ones. Uncharted 2 owns me and my ps3 right now and ModNation Racers, Killzone2, Infamous are great as well. And upcoming multi-platform games like Medal of Honor are going to have ps3 exclusive content.

-PS3 can do everything. There are so many little things you can do with the ps3 that u cant do with 360, like upgrading to a 500GB HDD. and surfing the web.

The only thing 360 is better in is that it has a better collection of XBL downloadable games, but i know that psn currently has nothing interesting when it comes to downloadable games.. besides ps1 classics but eh...

Side: PS3, of course
3 points

ps3 goes up to 160 but u can always buy any SATA 2.5" harddrive. up to 500gb..

Side: PS3, of course
2 points

yeah or u can try finding a 1TB (terrabyte) one lol

The minimum length for an argument is 50 characters. The purpose of this restriction is to cut down on the amount of dumb jokes, so we can keep the quality of debate and discourse as high as possible.

Side: PS3, of course
3 points

dude if an xbox was a car it would be a honda if ps3 was a car it would be a farari

Side: PS3, of course
Wakaman(2) Disputed
1 point

That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard,it's a 5 pound box not a 2 ton car.

Side: Xbox 360, please
2 points

Better graphics and BLURAY! Also, I can watch my videos from my external through my PS3 onto my flat screen in perfect HD.

Side: PS3, of course
2 points

Well duh, ps3 becuz crappy xbox makes u pay 4 internet. Also, just because it can play HD doesn't make it all that, plus ps3 can play BLU RAY (by the way those people that think HD is better, YOUR WRONG! BLU RAY is like HD but a lot better picture and sound quality. it's like hd, only better) Plus, the people who say that xbox has better games, the games for ps3 and xbox are pretty mutch the same exept for halo and littlebigplanet and stuff like that. Ps3 rocks and don't you haters forget it because in the end, you can have your opinion, and I can have mine, but ps3 is still better no matter what xbox throws out

Side: PS3, of course
2 points

also, just because xbox has kinect, doesn't mean it makes it better. even though ps3 has the wand thingy, it still is awesome and is you get the camera it is basically like the stupid xbox... only cheaper! in total the xbox rings up more than the ps3 including all attachments plus internet and stuff. PS3 IS BETTER PS3 IS BETTER PS3 IS BETTER... AND THE STUPID XBOX JUST GETS WETTER! <- Ok, that's what you should be chanting around your house. I don't care if it doesn't make sense to you xbox players... but we AWESOME ps3 players would get that.

Side: PS3, of course
1 point

duh ps3 xbox is pretty much te same bullcrap from the first one

Side: PS3, of course
1 point

X-Box 360 has RED Ring of Death, PS3 Dont. X-B0X 360 needs to be paid monthly ,Ps3 dont. If I will choose between PS3 or X-BOX360, I will Pick PS3, because its better. I Forgot to say that X-BOX 360 SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!, ITS NEVER GOING TO BE BETTER THAN SONY PS3, AND THATS FINAL!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: PS3, of course
LoveStargirl(496) Clarified
1 point

RED Ring of Death

what the freak is that? is it when you use the system too long then the light turns red then the system dies? i've been hearing all about but dont know what the freak it is!

Side: Xbox 360, please
1 point

i like the ps3 better than the xbox 360 becues the ps3 can do a hole lot better than then the xbox 360 can there for i am a ps3 fan more than an xbox 360 man i can do a hole lot more on a ps3 than an xbox 360 i can go on the net for free and play games online for free and not pay a goddamn thing for it

Side: PS3, of course

darn it! i was literally just about to make a debate like this then thought"it wont get that much attention"! dang! already over 100 people responded!

continue... ;) sorry about the inconvenience

Side: PS3, of course
1 point

Playstation Three, of course.

PS3 is a more family-friendly games console. Whilst Playstation supplies the happy, easy-going Little Big Planet, Xbox supplies Halo and several other violent games, just look at the link below and research the games described and you will be surprised to discover that most of them are Xbox games.

PS3 is not a console made with the purpose of 'ripping you off'. Whereas the Internet and online play for the Xbox costs money to be paid annually each year, the Playstation charges no unnecessary fees and simply allows you to enjoy games to their full extent. It does not discriminate against those who are not as wealthy as Bill Gates (who owns Xbox).

Playstation is less violent, more family friendly, and cheaper than Xbox.

Supporting Evidence: Violent Xbox Games (
Side: PS3, of course
1 point

ps3 as u can see is the third gaming console and sony through its long term has got a lot of experience in it and the number of exclusive games arent going to be that much if they are not worth it the ps3 has some awesome exclusive slike god of war the last of us resistance little big planet uncharted gran tuorismo etc with all sorts of genre but x box has its exclusives limited to some genre and secondly its the hardware with ps3 cell broadband engine dominating the x box 360 xenon and sony s move to bluray gives it an edge better in terms of storage and media and of course its free online services

Side: PS3, of course
-3 points