
Debate Info

Turn the tables on them Prove Dems aren't about brown
Debate Score:11
Total Votes:11
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 Turn the tables on them (6)
 Prove Dems aren't about brown (3)

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JoeHicks(33) pic

Whatever Republican wins in 2024 should flood America with Cuban refugees

Turn the tables on them

Side Score: 6

Prove Dems aren't about brown

Side Score: 5
1 point

Most Cuban American voters identify as Republican

Hello Joe:

True, but that's because they were the wealthy right wing in Cuba, who escaped before Castro took over. Who they were didn't change when they got here.. Of course, they're Republicans..

But, the ones who couldn't leave were the poor and the downtrodden. And if they're given refugee status, like the downtrodden worldwide, you can bet they ain't gonna vote Republican.


Side: Turn the tables on them
NomsChicken(30) Disputed
1 point

Looks like you think the poor are stupid enough to vote for higher gas, bare shelves, and the party that told them to stay in Cuba.

Side: Prove Dems aren't about brown
Cons-Ex(16) Disputed
1 point

you think the poor are stupid enough to vote for higher gas, bare shelves, and the party that told them to stay in Cuba

The poor generally votes for whoever tells the most convincing lies. Trump isn't very convincing.

Side: Turn the tables on them
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