
Debate Info

When proven to be responsible? When a they hit a certain age
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 When proven to be responsible? (2)
 When a they hit a certain age (1)

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Jaylen(4) pic

When do Kids Become Adults?

Many may assume that a child is considered an adult when they hit a certain age. But have they considered the psychological aspect of it as well? Have they considered maybe it's more to it than a physical change?

When proven to be responsible?

Side Score: 2

When a they hit a certain age

Side Score: 1
1 point

When they grow up and act LIKE adults. Some never do, some are more adult at 16 than others are at 40, 50, 60 ....80.

Side: When proven to be responsible?
1 point

You should have proven to be responsible at the age of 18, because at the age of 18 you can vote, drive, drink and other things that an adult can do.

Side: When proven to be responsible?
1 point

Well of course the age varies for all people but everyone assumes that you are an adult and can make rational decisions/ take care of yourself when you are 16/ 18 . But I aggree it would be way cooler to have a coming of age ceremony where you have to spear a T-Rex or something

Side: When a they hit a certain age