
Debate Info

Never Mother's life is Threatened
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:11
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 Never (1)
 Mother's life is Threatened (5)

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CreateSome1(29) pic

When do you support abortion?


Side Score: 1

Mother's life is Threatened

Side Score: 6
1 point

Maybe there is or isn't an exception where I would support AN abortion (but not abortion as a concept or ideal). I can't say I support Abortion, no matter what, however. I mean that's like asking me "do you support murder" then giving me a self-defense scenario. It just doesn't mesh.

Oh, as far as the r word goes (let's not use triggers, people), I don't support an Abortion in that case. The mother should not exact revenge on the child. Perhaps, put it up for adoption if you must, but killing an innocent because of someone else's crime? Only a monster does that.

Side: Never

If doctors conclude that a Mother will die during her pregnancy, then the woman has the right to have an abortion.

Side: Mother's life is Threatened
0 points

Only in cases of the mother's health is threatened do I support abortion.

Anything thing else is like what the Nazi's did to the Jews.

Side: Mother's life is Threatened
1 point

Downvoted without an explaination? Well hope someone gives one.

Side: Mother's life is Threatened
1 point

How many of your downvotes have you explained to anyone?

Side: Mother's life is Threatened
0 points

Obviously...if the mother is gonna die then the kid will die. So either way the kid dies and in only one scenario the mother lives. It's not rocket science. Also I support rape victims right to abort the child of their attacker.

Side: Mother's life is Threatened