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 Which candidate would you vote for if the US presidential election is held today? (4)

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StarryLight(109) pic

Which candidate would you vote for if the US presidential election is held today?

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1 point

Marco Rubio. He is my boy out of all those who are currently running. But if Joe Biden decides to throw his hat in the ring on the Dem's side than I would vote for him. See, as an Independent voter I can do this. I am not in allegiance automatically with one particular party. I vote for whomever I Feel is the best choice for the country at the time.

Probably Sanders. He is the person who I think is the smartest, most honest, and the one with whom I agree with on the most issues. There aren't really any candidates that make me overwhelmingly excited, but Bernie definitely interests me more than any others, at least at this point in time.

SlapShot(2608) Disputed
1 point you're a Socialist, eh?

Because that is the only sort of political mindset that I could see that would claim they agree with Sanders on most of his ideas.

For those of us who are rugged individualists and think the Government is already far too big and intrusive, and who are sick and tired of the growth of the Nanny State, as well as the Entitlement State, Mr. Sanders is basically the Anti-Christ. And so far to the left that he might even make Obama look like a Fiscal Conservative. LOL

1 point

I'm not quite ready to label myself as a socialist, because I haven't done quite enough thinking about it and also, I am very aware that practically, socialism does not work. But the central core of Sander's beliefs and methods of strengthening the middle class, in addition to most of his social policies are ones that I find to be very logical and reasonable.

And yes, I admit I have no major, inherent issue with big government.