
Debate Info

Xbox 360 Play Station (in general)
Debate Score:19
Total Votes:20
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 Xbox 360 (4)
 Play Station (in general) (2)

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Quocalimar(6470) pic

Which console is better?

These are the hottest consoles at the moment. Don't even mention Wii because it has nothing to do with what Ps & Xbox are trying to do now.

Which is better, which do you prefer, and most importantly....why???

Xbox 360

Side Score: 14

Play Station (in general)

Side Score: 5

I'm on the Xbox side for these 3 points.

(1) When Xbox makes anything new, you get it in an update, while PlayStation makes you buy a whole new console.

(2) I already own an Xbox, I used to own a PlayStation, I preferred the buttons of the Xbox controller.

(3) Hey, who needs a controller when you have Kinect!?

Side: Xbox 360
Srom(12120) Clarified
1 point

My hands hurt when I hold a xbox controller and I am really comfortable with a playstation controller. The Xbox controller is really big.

Side: Xbox 360

I personally think the Xbox 360 is better than the play station. Although the play station is a good console, in my experience with both of them, I find the Xbox 360 to simply be better.

Side: Xbox 360
JadynDonovan(244) Clarified
1 point

And as for the 'why' aspect of this question, I honestly don't have many more reasons. Mostly it is just my preference for what I personally like better which is the overall look of it, and I find online play on the xbox 360 to be better than that on the play station. Lastly, more people I know have an Xbox, therefore I can play with them.

Side: Xbox 360

The only thing Playstation has over xbox is free online play and blu-ray. But ps3 has a faulty network. Xbox manages their online play and they are often the ones to patch games quickly. Xbox also got the first DLC for BO2. I love the playstation controller because i still have my ps2. Playstation is quite awesome. I love playing on it. They are quite equal since the new xbox doesn't really get the ring of death anymore no matter how long you play it. Some games are only for ps3 and some are for xbox. PS3 has some nice internet browsing features though so its really nice. Xbox can't do too much because its mainly like a pro gamer thing and ps3 has dominated the social aspect of gaming. People are much nicer on ps3 but xbox it gets harsh. At the same time you have the best competition. This doesn't mean ps3 doesn't have any. You just have so many competitive xboxers. I only choose xbox because im a tough girly gamer so i usually go like 20-9 in team death match on COD but i also like it because of its secure network. Ps3 is secure but xbox takes many more precautions.

Side: Xbox 360
3 points

I choose the Play Station over the x-box. NOT Play station 3, mind you. I hate that thing.

I just personally see the play station as a more fun console.. That's just me.

Side: Play Station (in general)
toxic_007 Disputed
2 points

It is fun to play off line on but xbox you can play online with friends.

Side: Xbox 360
2 points

I prefer the Playstation because you get to have free to play online and you don't have to pay online.

You have some major titles that Xbox doesn't have like Infamous, Ratchet and Clank Series, Uncharted, God of War, The Last Of Us, Sly 1,2,3,and 4, Jack and Daxter collection, Killzone, Heavy Rain, Resistance, and others that I can't name off the top of my head.

Playstation does make updates on things the reason they came out with the Slim PS3 was to prevent the Yellow Light of Death to other users who had that problem because their ps3 overheated.

Xbox had the same problem as well but they had the Red Ring of Death and they changed the color of their Xbox to the black and they have slim as well.

Side: Play Station (in general)
Quocalimar(6470) Clarified
2 points

Wow that's an excellent bit of knowledge. I didn't know that about the PS updates, I only had 1 and 2 and I felt like the hassle of continually buying a new one was not worth the free internet. Also, as for the red ring of death on Xbox, I guess I wasn't an extreme enough gamer to let mine over heat.

Side: Xbox 360