
Debate Info

The "worm" The "wave"
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:9
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 The "worm" (2)
 The "wave" (1)

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npwr(3) pic

Which is a better dance move the worm or the wave?

The "worm"

Side Score: 6

The "wave"

Side Score: 2

Yeah, once I pulled that "wave" move on the dance floor and the girl I was with did exactly just that.... she waved goodbye and walked off the dance floor. Now I just whip out the worm and that doesn't get me any further but at least they don't walk off the dance floor ;)

Side: The
2 points

if i were to choose between the worm or the wave i would definitely choose the worm. The worm is a classic break dancing move that has been used for a long while. The wave video i looked up on youtube looked like they were retarded or something. The wave would not be the better dance move in a debate about the "worm" and the "wave"

"the retarded wave"
Side: The
2 points

While the real answer is neither....

The wave can be worked out into a pole move. So really it's not that bad as long as you're almost naked.

Side: The