
Debate Info

Social Fears Primal Fears
Debate Score:14
Total Votes:14
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 Social Fears (12)
 Primal Fears (2)

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innisfree(8) pic

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Which is more destructive?

Which is worse and more destructive?

Fear that is taught in order to keep the society functioning OR
when these fears[Fears that are simply within us (fear of death and extinction)] run rampant and society ceases to exist.

Would you suffer more from wrath/pride than the fear of death/extinction?

Is it better to have reason than have no reason at all(fear of death/extinction is more destructive)
or is it better to have freedom (fears that are taught to keep society functioning is more destructive)?


Social Fears

Side Score: 12
Winning Side!

Primal Fears

Side Score: 2
1 point

Primal fears seem to be more consistent. You get consistent actions when people act on primal fear. Social fears can be used to manipulate people with false fear.

Fear that is taught in order to keep the society functioning

The problem is that it isn't always to just keep functioning. The fear is that society won't function, but it is up to the person generating the fears to determine if it actually has anything to do with society as a whole. Someone can use this for their own benefits.

Side: Social Fears
1 point

False dichotomy alert. Social fears are derivatives of primal fears.

Side: Social Fears
1 point

What about fear based on wrath/pride versus fear based on survival (death/extinction)?

Side: Social Fears
Jace(5222) Clarified
1 point

What about it? I fail to see that they are mutually exclusive of one another.

Side: Social Fears
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