
Debate Info

Atheist Agnostic
Debate Score:19
Total Votes:19
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 Atheist (5)
 Agnostic (7)

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wardogninja(1790) pic

Which is more logical: Atheist or Agnostic

I will admit i am biasd towards Agnositc, so i will try not to get involed in the debate because i want other peoples opinions. 

 keep all argumetns civil


Side Score: 8


Side Score: 11

Agnosticism, to me, is the least logical, and most "cop out" form of beliefs that there is out there. Agnostics say experience makes up our knowledge well they must look over every single experience we have had in history...

Agnostics say i dont know whether or not god exists, well, thats just stupid, you cant be agnostic, its not possible, you either believe or you dont believe, no offense to anyone but agnosticism is for those "fence borderers" who cant make up their minds due to a deep psychological fear and they push it out of their lives when deep down they really DO believe in god because if they didnt they would be atheist.

Agnosticism is basically saying "i just dont want to think about it anymore" Pft

Side: Atheist
BenWalters(1508) Disputed
2 points

I think you fundamentally misunderstand the position of the agnostic.

The agnostic is not necessarily saying that 'I don't give a fuck whether God's real or not', they are not saying that 'I don't care', they are not necessarily apathetic. They are just as ignorant as anyone else, except they face this reality.

Agnosticism is the claim that ultimately, whether or not there is a higher power is currently unknown, that humans do not have an answer, and that is is therefore unwise to pretend to have one until then.

Take my belief, personally. I'm an agnostic-atheist. I believe that there is no God, but I also believe that I cannot prove this, and do not claim to be able to prove this. My lack of belief in a God leads me to be an atheist, but my lack of proof leads me to be an agnostic. They are not mutually exclusive.

Side: Agnostic
1 point

no i dont think i do, there is not "no way to know" there is a way to know but its unique to everyone, jesus said the road to god is an inner path

i.e.: not exterior

you want to find the answers to life search within yourself

and dont come at me with a question like: well if i want to know the answers to my calculus test....


answers to LIFE not silly ulterior things that will get us (somewhere but...) nowhere

Humans have an answer, it is when we try to say that our answer is correct is when we have no answer, we need to combine our answers.

Side: Atheist
1 point

Something I did not expect... but an upvote.

A person can go as far as saying there might be a very powerful being of unknown characteristics or there might just as well not - don't know, can't know. If someone goes farther and starts ascribing characteristics then that's not smart at all. If there is no knowledge of one, or more, existing then there is no knowledge about any powerful being.

Then some lunatics go as far as claiming they exist and are like this and like that and blahblahblah I am right and you are wrong and blahblahblah and religious repetition like those srom has provided here about jesus being the savior and all... During all that time no evidence of at least one of those beings is provided. Just grow up, all of you, please. It's just so pathetic and sad.

Agnostics... I never did get what's the deal with them, never even thought about it. But now I at least got something that makes some sense. Agnostics are like stones that are there but don't really do anything. Kind of weird. Um, now they creep me out a little - waiting, watching, very calmly, but for what? They're probably too apathetic to have thought that far. That's a relief, less to worry about.

Side: Atheist

lol, atheism is at least on the court as to what they believe, agnostics are just basically benchwarmers waiting for the coach to call them in lol

Side: Atheist
Humblejoe(18) Disputed
1 point

i agree it'll make you think you have a bond with god like your special again a man wanting to be something hes not

Side: Agnostic
1 point

Atheism is the rejection of all proposed supernatural beings/deities. Atheism is the default position as man has been on Earth longer than religion. Most atheists are skeptics, this all ties in with Atheism being the default position as Atheists are the people who have rejected all proposed theories/religions that point to a deity. An Atheist will generally accept a theory once it has been subjected to peer reviews, scrutiny, testing etc.

The distinction between Atheism and Agnosticism is fuzzy. Atheists will concede we do not know all the mysteries of the Universe and its origins and therefore we cannot 100% disprove deities as a possibility but at the same time we can safely say all religion that has so far been proposed is bull. The distinction therefore lies in your own standards. I am an Atheist and I can be confident there is no God being 99.99% sure. As this percentage drops, I begin to give the theory of a deity more command in my beliefs.

For the sake of argument let's say my standard for somebody I would class as Agnostic is somebody who thinks there a 25% chance a deity created the Universe and a 75% chance it was something else.

Now that we have set these parameters, we can begin to demonstrate how an Atheist is more logical than somebody who is Agnostic.

The reasons Atheists are more logical are that all deities/religions that have so far been proposed have not provided one piece of hard evidence to support their claims. This means giving these claims anymore worth than the evidence they have provided is a waste of time and slows the persons progress in looking at alternative options. We must discard the options that have failed scientific scrutiny/peer review etc so we can move on to looking for other options. Not discarding the debunked options means you cannot progress in eliminating the wrong answers in an effort to find the right one. Therefore your answer will always be "I do not know which option is correct". This is illogical.

Side: Atheist
3 points

It's reasonable to accept the idea that you do not know. You truly do not. For the origins of the universe, there is ultimately no proof one way or the other. You can invariably say that no matter what, this and that does not exist, but I find it just a tad odd to rule things out when you don't even know for sure if said thing does not exist.

I do not know. I truly do not. Therefore I am agnostic, and I'm not going to pretend that I know one way or the other, because I don't; nobody does. (Though I wouldn't classify myself purely as agnostic as a demographic)

Side: Agnostic
2 points

This is a false dichotomy. Atheism is one's position regarding their belief or disbelief in theism, while agnosticism is how sure or unsure they are in their position regarding their belief or disbelief in theism.

Side: Agnostic
wardogninja(1790) Clarified
1 point

Agnostic was the best word i could think of to describe what i trying to mean, someone who is willing to consider both possibilities. I think you can get the general i idea of what i meant.

Side: Atheist

oh THATS what you meant? dude i think everyone, even atheists, consider the possibility of both sides, maybe not hardcore religious people, but i for ne consider the possibility that the "supernatural" doesnt exist

Side: Agnostic
1 point

theirs no differance in the two just one cares and the other dont

Side: Agnostic

An agnostic doubts but still strives to believe in God. An agnostic does believe in logical explanations.

Side: Agnostic