
Debate Info

Religious dictatorship. Secular dictatorship.
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:8
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 Religious dictatorship. (2)
 Secular dictatorship. (2)

Debate Creator

Redeemed(1428) pic

Which is worse?

Religious dictatorship.

Side Score: 3

Secular dictatorship.

Side Score: 3
1 point

One dictatorship is as bad as another ……………………………………………………… !

Side: Religious dictatorship.
FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

Where are your examples of a religious dictatorship in America? I give you plenty of examples of a secular dictatorship.

Nah, all you ever have is Left wing rhetoric demonizing Christians.

Side: Secular dictatorship.
1 point

One dictatorship is as bad as another ……………………………… !

Side: Secular dictatorship.
FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

You support secular dictatorship and are totally blind to it!

So tell us all why the Left wing Big Brother Government tries to force every State to bow to their Political correct LBGT activist agendas?

Tell us why the Democrat Party is trying to force every public school to allow supposed Transgender boys, who think they are girls, to go into our daughter's bathrooms? If not, Democrats say the Federal Government will deny those school funding.

Tell us why the Democrat controlled House is pushing a Bill that would force schools to allow supposed Transgender boys and men into girl's sports?

Who tried to force private Christian owned catering businesses to cater Gay wedding receptions?

Who forced Gay marriages onto every State in the US? What happened to State's rights?

Dictatorship by the secular Left!

I call it a Humanocracy!

Side: Religious dictatorship.
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
0 points

I'm sorry you believe in mythology more than the science of man.

I agree that we have to do some thinking about viable women with a mans body going into women's sports when they become "actual". They're bound to be stronger … at least for a while. But, we'll work that out I'm sure. I installed a machine in Wisconsin a few years ago, a guy named Albert worked with me among others. When I went back a couple of years later he was Bethany … or something like that. The women that worked in the mill didn't like S/he/it in the ladies room, but, they worked things out. That's what people do when we LIVE in a "Humanocracy". ;-)

A dictator would probably say NYET to the whole thing. Isn't freedom great?? :-)

Side: Religious dictatorship.