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GuitaristDog(2538) pic

Which of these three men was the worst?

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3 points

Hitler killed about 6 million.

Stalin killed an estimate between 20 and 60 million.

Mao Zedong killed an estimate between 40 and 70 million.

I'll say Mao.

_deleted0_(849) Clarified
1 point

Didn't Hitler kill 6 million jews?

He killed a lot of other people too.

People who were killed in the war, germans too. Are they in those 6 million?

I mean it was a world war, people died all around the world.

1 point

People who were killed in the war, germans too

WW2 was causes by the treaty of WW1 destroying Germany, France and Britains post-WW1 policies against Germany and the clash between German Nationalists and Jewish Revolutionists.

I mean it was a world war, people died all around the world.

WW2 wasn't started by Hitler, it was a direct result of WW1 and post-WW1 actions to destroy Germany.

1 point

I think Hitler was the worst of all people because He killed Jews and created an army and was racist to Jews by putting them in camps that they shouldn't have been set there.

1 point

Stalin killed Jews. Stalin and Mao created armies. Stalin and Mao also put people in camps. Actually out of Hitler, Stalin and Mao, Hitler put the least amount of people in camps and killed the least amount of people.

1 point

Mao Ze-Dong was probably the worst as he killed more people (49-78,000,00), although the other two were hardly angels, Hitler (12,000,000 concentration camps and civilians deliberately killed in WWII plus 3 million Russian POWs left to die), Stalin (6,000,000 the gulags plus the purges plus Ukraine's famine)

1 point

Mao was the worst. People who say Hitler are just trying to be politically correct since he killed Jews. Stalin is second.