
Debate Info

Liberalism. Conservatism.
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 Liberalism. (3)
 Conservatism. (1)

Debate Creator

SitaraForJesus(3819) pic

Which one is the better political philosophy?

Im like a cross between a Democrat and a Libertarian. Maybe Im a liberaltarian. If I had to pick one, Id choose liberalism. Im not a do or die liberal. I voted for Ron Paul and would happily do so again, but lets save that for another debate please.


Side Score: 3


Side Score: 1
1 point

A better political philosophy would just be a philosophy that helps itself politically. Liberalism makes the most promises to the most people. And, your philosophy doesn't have to work as long as you sabotage the other group. So, if the other group has the philosophy that sacrifice can lead to success and your philosophy says that there is no need to sacrifice, you can make all kinds of promises because your side is easier for most people to handle. ;)

Side: Liberalism.
1 point


Both sides are kinda meh. I lean slightly towards liberalism, but I'd consider myself a moderate.

My problem with liberalism is it has a tendency to make people into self-entitled spushal snowflakes. But conservatism breeds an us vs them mentality, so I'd rather not call myself either.

Side: Liberalism.

don't ever use liberal and libertarian in the same comparison ever again, thanks.

liberals would choose communism over personal freedoms.

Fuck that shit, i used to be liberal and hate conservatives, now i cant stand liberals and am a libertarian.

Side: Conservatism.
1 point

You have to admit to the many nuances of political philosophy.

Side: Liberalism.