
Debate Info

Debate Score:95
Total Votes:139
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altarion(1955) pic

Who is the most annoying person on CD?

I can think of a few candidates. . . [;

Who annoys the shit out of you the most? Maybe someone that never puts relevant arguments? Or perhaps someone that uses personal attacks over relevant debates? Possibly someone who is just too outspoken? Come here and tell everyone who it is!

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4 points

can i just vote without saying something about the person please ? xD

Side: Jesus
3 points

I wouldn't answer this because it is a direct ad hominem attack on a person and not on the arguments they make. This can only cause strife. And if the person truly is annoying, you shouldn't need to tell anyone; they would've noticed by now.

Side: I withold judgement
altarion(1955) Disputed
2 points

But you see, the attack is on the person because of their debates. So in retrospect, you kind of are attacking their debates. [; Its a messed up way of thinking I know, but if you have ever visited my profile and read my little about me quote you would understand. [;

Side: I withold judgement
2 points

The most annoying to me is Beinglostats or Politico but hey that is just me

Side: Beinglostats or Politico
1 point

Oh no...

"Most outspoken"

That's either myself or joecavalry... or worse, both.

Side: Bradf0rd

I have to agree with Bradford. It'll keep him up at night trying to decide whether or not I was paying him a compliment or tooting my own horn ;)

Side: Bradf0rd
0 points

To prove your point you can go to the pull down link under "People" and click on "Most Outspoken" and joecavalry will be the first person followed by you (bradf0rd). Lol.

Side: Bradf0rd
-3 points
tonicole(854) Disputed
6 points

what the eff ? again with the call out on religion ? no offense, but that doesn't exactly sound like "disregarding your inner feelings."

Side: Jesus
altarion(1955) Disputed
3 points

However I love to point out that at least I did not report your meaningless argument even though I found it offensive and very prejudice. So the fact that you reported my last argument reguarding yourself just proves my point that you are a spineless lowlife that can't take criticism. [: Have a nice day.

Side: Jesus
2 points

Hahaha. You hit the nail on the head my friend! [:

Side: Jesus