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 Who is the most influential CHARACHTER in Naruto? (2)

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Who is the most influential CHARACHTER in Naruto?

Naruto (NARUTO—ナルト— NARUTO?) is an ongoing Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Masashi Kishimoto. The plot tells the story of Naruto Uzumaki, an adolescent ninja who constantly searches for recognition and dreams to become the Hokage, the ninja in his village who is acknowledged as the leader and the strongest of all. The series is based on a one-shot comic by Kishimoto that was published in the August 1997 issue ofAkamaru Jump.

 Naruto is one of the best selling manga of all time having sold more than 113 million copies in Japan. Serialized in Viz's Shonen Jump magazine, Naruto has become one of the company's best-selling manga series. The English adaptation of the series has also appeared in the USA Today Booklist several times and volume 7 won the Quil Award in 2006. Reviewers from the series have praised the balance between fighting and comedy scenes, as well as the characters' personalities, but have criticized it for using standardshōnen plot elements.


Naruto has a wide range of charachters, who provide often compelling storylines and complicated motives. My favorites are Itachi, Deidara,Hnata,Gaara, and Konan. I tank that the most influential

Charachter is perhaps Itachi Uchiha.

Of course me opinion doesn't matter as much.... Your thoughts?

Foot in Mouth

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I read the manga and watch the episode when it comes out every thursday.

In my opinion the most influential characters are Shikamaru, Jiriya, Kakashi, Yamato

Hmm, maybe so, but why Shikamru and Choji?
