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 Who is the worst Christian on this site? (11)

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Atheistman(24) pic

Who is the worst Christian on this site?

We all know Christians are stupid, but lets all agree one person to label as the stupidest person on CreateDebate.

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2 points

Troll harder.

2 points

We all know Christians are stupid

It seems as though you are the stupid one. This statement is extremely ignorant, clearly you either choose to ignore intelligent Christians or you are unprecedentedly sheltered from society.

1 point

Whilst there are some stupid Christians on this site I think there are an equal amount of non Christians and Atheists who are equally as stupid and singling one person out because of their religous beliefs is just out of order

1 point

I would say myself.

Unlike some christians on this site, I'm supporting abortion (not totally, depends on which situation) and homosexuals and I don't believe in any place called Hell.

GeneralLee(133) Clarified
4 points

Wait, how are you even Christian if you don't even believe in hell?

Cynical(1943) Disputed
1 point

Meh. You're not stupid...

Those stances just prevent you from being a fundamentalist Christian (thankfully).

1 point

Your master.

1 point

I am surprised nobody said me because you guys voted me as most clueless and stubborn.

1 point

Are you sure about 'most stubborn'? I could have swore that Garry got that? Maybe that was one of those that more than one person won?

As far as 'Worst Christian'? Well, you did do one hell of a lot of lying about not plagiarizing more than once. But lucky for you, you're not the most deceptive 'Christian' on this site... that title should belong to the Brit user with all the fake accounts.

2 points

Are you sure about 'most stubborn'? I could have swore that Garry got that? Maybe that was one of those that more than one person won?

Oh yah I forgot it was Gary after all.

As far as 'Worst Christian'? Well, you did do one hell of a lot of lying about not plagiarizing more than once. But lucky for you, you're not the most deceptive 'Christian' on this site... that title should belong to the Brit user with all the fake accounts.

Yeah your right.

1 point

I don't think it's fair to classify anyone as the worst Christian (seeing as "worst" is subjective).

Although 'Thewayitis' is pretty low in my list in overall members, as he's constantly using argumentum ad hominem, and just acting like a jerk.

2 points

I don't think it's fair to classify anyone as the worst Christian

I do. Micmacmoc has several accounts mocking many people on this site and he claims to be a Christian when really he's just a twit liar Brit POS! But hey, that's just my opinion.

I'm atheist and I like Thewayitis, even though he continues to throw all atheists into the same cart... I've asked him to stop that, he's not a bad guy.