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 Who's the Cutest Video Game Couple? (Choose 1 of the 6) (15)

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KingOfPopForever(6903) pic

Who's the Cutest Video Game Couple? (Choose 1 of the 6)

Mario and Peach ("Super Mario Bros.")

Link and Zelda ("The Legend of Zelda")

Mr. and Mrs. Pac-Man ("Pac-Man")

Cloud and Aerith/Aeris [and Tifa] ("Final Fantasy VII")

Dom and Maria ("Gears of War")

Nathan Drake and Elena Fisher ("Uncharted")

The cutest video game couple is....


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Silas, what a joy to know you're still here! And the clear answer is Link and a 60 year old man whose grandchildren played the heck out of the Zelda franchise, I have to go with them. Plus, that little dude kicks ass!

2 points

Considering that I have only ever heard of Mario and Peach and Mr. and Mrs. Pacman, I'll have to go with one of them. Mr. and Mrs. Pacman, probably. Mario's too short for Princess Peach, unless he's had some 'shrooms.

The same goes for here. My video game playing is limited to sports.

1 point

perhaps david and victoria beckham or the kardashian and whatever her exs name was?^

Just like mine is mostly limited to action I found sports in general boring sorry.

1 point

There's a Mrs Pacman?

Liber(1712) Clarified
2 points

She was the theme of an arcade game back in the '80s. Didn't it ever reach Britain?

1 point

I'd have to go with Link and Zelda although I only know like three of these couples so my choices are a bit limited. Liber was right about Mario being too short for the Princess and I've never liked Aeris in Final fantasy

1 point

Cloud and Tifa are my favorite e_e And I feel like a complete dork since I"m reading this and people are saying they don't know some of them... I know all of them X)

1 point

I would say that drake and elene are cutest couple. I have played all 3 uncharteds

1 point

brock and every other chick in pokemon is an obvious supreme to all six selections above

Lol I know what you mean Brock is a player He can't stick with one woman.

Link and Zelda, because they're both beasts and Link looks like three years younger than Zelda.

1 point

Mario and Peach ("Super Mario Bros. ")

1 point

I only know who are Mario and Peach and Mr. and Mrs. Pac-Man. Mario's too short, but I can't figure out where - if they had a relationship - Mr. Pac-Man's penis could possibly be. I think I'm gonna go with Mario and Peach.

1 point

Cloud and Tifa is the best and cutest game couple because Tifa brings out the best in Cloud!!!!