
Debate Info

Yay Ney
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 Yay (2)
 Ney (1)

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tomas2679(4) pic

Will lowering taxes help the U.S economy?

Although I don't support Donald Trump, and don't necessarily side as a Republican nor a Democrat, I think that lowering taxes would help the U.S economy.

Businesses, both big and small would benefit by lowering the corporation tax, or capital gains tax by relieving and giving them more money.
This new money for big businesses would incentivise more to come and settle in the U.S whilst for small businesses could help them expand and become bigger, allowing more employment.

As for the income tax, lowering it could help relieve people and give them more money to spend, a lot of Americans just cannot afford it, and even if someone is doing well, allowing larger sums of money into the average persons pocket could increase spending and reduce issues like bad nutrition, for people who cannot afford the proper meals for themselves and for their children, not to mention more flexibility in affording schools, healthcare, transportation to work etc.

So what do you think?
Thanks, Tomas.


Side Score: 2


Side Score: 2

First thing I say is that you should RUN, not walk down to register as a Conservative Republican.

Everything you just explained is EXACTLY what Republicans have been saying forever. It's their Republican Party's plank to fight for smaller less intrusive Government with lower taxes that creates jobs and helps spread better living conditions for all Americans.

Democrats are just the opposite. Their short sided narrow thinking believes Government can better spend our money. They think we are not smart enough to do the right thing with our money so they must tax it as much as humanly possible in order to resditribute it to thousands of bloated social programs and divvy out free stuff to people who will vote for them.

America once was a nation built on charitable volunteer support for the hungry, for the disabled, for those who could not help themselves. Churches and family were the bedrock of our safety net.

As Government kept growing, replacing fathers with case workers, we are seeing the collapse of that free charitabe safety net. It is being replaced with 20 TRILLION IN DEBT of Government social bailouts.

It will never work because as the Left separates out any mention of God and morals on public grounds, the vacuum is filled with Government dependence and broken families.

Democrats have become closet Socialists with the first openly Socialist (Bernie Sanders) runnig for President. They need higher and higher taxes to run their bloated socialist Government and is the reason they ALWAYS fight so hard against lowering taxes.

America became the greatest country on Earth by creating a nation of the people, by the people, and for the people.

Our fore fathers understood all too well how corrupt and dangerous Government can become.

Democrats are running full steam in the very direction that created the need for the revolutionary war. It seems they have no knowledge of history.

Their answer is to punish hard work and success by redistributing middle class worker's money and giving it to many lazy low income people living irresponsibly. (requiring nothing in return for the money we give them)

I totally believe it has nothing to do with true compassion for the poor, but rather pure corrupt Politics with the ultimte goal of Socialism and big government controlled by the corrupt powerful few.

True compassion would recognise the state of our broken families and fatherless homes, and admit that big socialized Government DID NOT WORK!

With the billions we have spent on education, welfare, a meriad of social programs and subsidies, etc. all we see is failed schools with our children falling behind the world, children being raised by case workers, or joining Gangs to find some semblance of family, and ungrateful people scamming our social programs for all they can get and a mindset that they have a right to other's money. THE LEFT TELLS US THESE PEOPLE ARE ENTITLED TO OUR MONEY!

Handing out other's money in not compassionate and charitable especially when it does not work. Sure, social programs helps those who can't help themselves (which is what we have always done as charitable Americans with strong families, Churches and safety nets) but at the same time creates a dependent class of able bodied people who learn very quickly how to use the system and make careers of dependence. In the long run it creates far more poverty and broken homes then it was intended to prevent.

Lower taxes takes the money out of corrupt politician's hands and puts it back into the hard working people's hands who know what to do with it. This is the only way to truly spread the wealth and bring people out of poverty.

We have a moral problem creating so many broken families in America and Government IS NOT THE FIX!

Side: Yay

Just remember after eight long Years of a Liberal President giving Trillions more to social Porgrams, the food stamp roles have RECORD numbers of people, all during a time that Democrats said our economy has been doing good.

Why? If Liberal socialisitc politics is suppose to work and be good for Americans, why did record numbers of Americans sign up for food stamps during Obama' reign?

Side: Yay
2 points

Lowering taxes on the PEOPLE, to give them more to spend would help. Closing loopholes that have been "created" by corporate paid lobbyists and Congressmen, so that YUGE Corp's like GE have to pay NO taxes, would help. (No, I wont consider corporations "people" until Texas executes one!). Lower taxes on corporations will only give them more money to buy robots from China and the middle east to fill the jobs Americans WOULD do! G.H.W. Bush called that voodoo economics. THAT'S a smart Republican, Lois! That's a smart Republican!

Side: Ney