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Debate Score:8
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Quocalimar(6470) pic

Will our holidays completely lose meaning in the future?

These holidays that celebrate, it's no debate that they are publically losing their meaning, but do you think that in the future, near or distant, they will all just complely lose their meaning and desolve to basic gift giving for no particular reason?

A man wearing a shirt saying merry whatever


Side Score: 6


Side Score: 2

Perhaps I gave away my point, but I sincerely believe they will.

Holidays are already to a point where people just give each other gifts and say whatever, "I love you too"

I believe it's not long before the title goes out the window too and people just says "Happy mumble something" then exchange gifts.

Side: Yes
2 points

they lost their meaning a long time ago. Nearly all festivals are based on earlier ones. Christmas for instance. Christmas is not the date Jesus' birth Rather it is the date chosen to represent it. Christmas originally was the Birth-date of the Pagan God Sol Invictus (Roman god) the Christians chose this date because a) it was already a festival and therefore easy to do and b) to show once and for all that they had replaced the old ways with their own.

The current festivals are heading the same way, they are losing their own meaning as more and more as people are either atheist or there is a greater mixture of religions present in society. It is inevitable that one day the dates of these festivals will be used or a date near them will be used to some other holiday of some sort.

The way things are going these festivals will revolve around consumption (reminds me of BRAVE NEW WORLD) and the giving of gifts that have been bought. Is this a bad thing? maybe not, so long as people do not need to buy things that cause them to live beyond their means. Perhaps the festivals will not revolve around consumption but looking at Easter and Christmas it certainly seems this is the likely outcome of current trends.

P.S. most of us have the day off for holidays/festivals so if our society feels the need to consumption/giving based festivals can we create new ones on different dates so we get more days off?

Side: Yes

Very insightful I love it.

I didn't know that bit about the Roman Holiday in place before Christmas also, so very educational as well. This is the type of argument to up vote.

Side: Yes

yes they will ..especially those that are suppose to have bible scriptural backing. take Easter for example..bunnies don't lay eggs.. it has no place in scriptures..and we all by now realize Xmas is a complete and utter lie of the first degree.. all of these such celebrations has pagan roots..

most religious leaders would readily agree.. here again the merchants are the only ones who win in each case. watch how we are bombarded with new and improve gadgets and things to buy''' they sell it and we buy it'' thing that do not bring us together'especially now days.with all of the electronic devices'' they are there but they are not'' busy text-in tweeting, or in pushes us further apart..

the bottom line is that the more people realize what is truth and what is not the are going to discontinue a lot of the popular celebrations. and celebrate the one that is important to the honor and glory of the one true god. once they would have come to know the truth people will want to do what is pleasing to Jehovah god.

if the intent was to bring family together.then it should be the responsibility of the family to bring the family together when it is a good time for them,and not when the world does'' everyone's situation is cannot be one size fits all..

Side: Yes

I think it is heading that way in America. All it takes is for one major retail chain to open on Christmas Day and the rest will follow suit.

Side: Yes
1 point

No I don't think they will lose meaning. There will be some people who would still celebrate the holidays that some people abandoned.

Side: No

Holidays take time for people to even value, so no reason to believe that it would reverse on how they were created, they were created because of meaning to people's values, and more and more grew to accept those values as well.

Side: No